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Odds and Ends: Links I've found that amusing, eccentric, or helpful in my life as a Christian, wife, mother and philosopher.

Odds and


Links I like. . .

I want to provide the usual disclaimer: although I've found the following links useful or entertaining, I cannot guarantee the veracity or appropriateness of everything published on them or on their links. Viewer discretion advised.

  • Two Ways To Live
  • Australian-based Matthias Media and it's monthly magazine, The Briefing, have excellent articles online. Check the archives by subject and the Web Extras.
  • NOTE: Due to bandwidth problems, John's blog has moved! You can read Le Sabot Post-Moderne now at PostModernClog.Com.
  • Online Speed Reading and Comprehension Test.
  • In Memoriam: The Blackmun Wall Women killed by legal abortions. Click on name plaque for details. I remember when I heard of Latachie Veal's death in 1991. She was my age and she lived in Texas. The abortionist responsible for her death also worked in my city, and continues to this day killing women (at least 3) and children (over 100,000.)
  • A must-read: Le Sabot Post-Moderne
  • You know, almost every day I see a new reason to be thankful for tech and the 'net. Today it is this 'blog, by and for women after abortion. May many find peace.
  • Scroll down to the second picture with the basketball players in blue uniforms. John's brother, Andrew, is sitting on the floor on the lower right side. Cute, isn't he?
  • La Nouvelle Marseillaise
  • Did you know I toyed with the idea of majoring in Economics? Maybe that's why I like the Capitalist Chicks so much.
  • Adventures in Ezzoland, the experiences and observations of Frank York while employed by Gary Ezzo and GFI.
  • John and I met in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, in Manitou Springs. We had been introduced by his Aunt Sherry. We got to know each other during the two week Christian worldview seminar hosted by Summit Ministries. and the rest, as they say, is history. *romantic sigh* One of John's mentors, Jeff Myers, helps run Summit at Bryan College. I believe high school and college students have much to gain by attending. And who knows, maybe you'll meet a husband as wonderful as John there. . .
  • A tribute to Mr. Rogers.
  • I lost this page, but recovered it through Google's cached page. (Hooray!)
  • Confessions of a Failed Babywiser
  • I remember attending one of Bill Gothard's "Basic Youth Conflicts Seminars" in the early '90s. If you've ever been to one or heard of Gothard, I recommend the book "A Matter of Basic Principles" by Don and Joy Venoit and Ron Henzel.
  • Need a unique gift for someone? Check out CreativeBurning.Com. I would love to get the treasure map stool for the boys!
  • Besides John, we have several other authors in the family, including my mom, my Uncle Tom and my Uncle Chuck. There are more, too, but I can't find their writings online.
  • Wanna see my hubby's youngest brother? He's the golfer on the far right, standing just left of the coach.
  • November 10th is the Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Find out more at OpenDoorsUsa.Org. The persecuted Church was in the recent news in China, India, and Sudan.
  • John absolutely loves demographic information. He is able to remember just about everything he reads, too, and bring out the right information when we need it in conversation. He's going to be thrilled when I show him Barna Research Online and the U.S. Census Bureau. As a side note, it is nearly impossible to get accurate demographic info in Ukraine. In January 2003, we may get access to the information from the 2002 Ukraine census.
  • Do you sew, quilt, knit or crochet? Are you looking for an outlet to give of yourself? Make a layette for a premie baby in need through CareWear.
  • Middle East Media Research Institute
  • Bibliophiles Unite! Check out the really cool concept being promoted by BookCrossing.Com. If you register, you can note that I referred you. My sign-in name there is TulipGirl.
  • Time and Date in Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • Want to mess with your brain? Read Matt Slick's outline about Absolutes.
  • There is a great coffee bar here that trades out English language books and movies called the Stoned Baboon. I get such a kick out of that name. Though, the Ukrainian name for it is just "Ba-boo-een." I guess stoned just doesn't translate?
  • I don't know what I was thinking when I didn't pack any cookbooks for Ukraine. (Actually, I was thinking I would rather take OTHER books. . .) I've really been pleased with the recipes I've found at this recipe database from Oz, FoodDownUnder.Com.
  • In the early 90s, I was hooked on a cyberpunk rock opera, "Under Midnight." Great music, thought-provoking. . . Now some of the futuristic don't seem so far off. This article made me start humming Under Midnight again this week.
  • If you love words like John and I do, you'll have fun with The Word Spy. (Get this, my Mom is visiting us from the States and what is the one thing John wants? An American English dictionary--unabridged!)
  • Many Christian families use the parenting materials written by Gary Ezzo. I encourage you to read "Adventures in Ezzoland" and pass the info on to other Christian families.
  • I've been hooked on a 'blog lately, AaronDot.Com. This college kid is spending the summer in the heart of the LDS learning about and witnessing to the Mormons. He seems to always bring things back to the beautiful basics of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • "Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation Caught Harboring Pedophiles" Read more at:
  • "We're not here just to put up a good fight. We're here to win, because winning is how the killing stops." Life Dynamics is a pro-life group that has always sought out unorthodox methods to stop abortion. About a decade ago, I went to a great media workshop led by Mark Crutcher and learned some valuable tools for pro-life activism.
  • One of my homeschool friends in high school was Noelle. I remember making batches of Christmas cookies with her! I have four healthy boys, and so it was very hard to hear that her first son was born premature and has faced many medical problems. They have faced serious opposition because they would not removed their son from life support. Please pray for Baby William.
  • Interested in protecting your family with a filtered ISP? This report compares many of the filtered ISPs and fiters avilable.
  • I made homemade strawberry jam with Beth last Saturday! And I've started filling our freezer with the berries of the season.
  • Letterboxing, definitely a hobby the boys and I could get into. Maybe we'll start the letterboxing craze here in Ukraine!
  • Little Soldier, in memory of those who have served and with prayers for those who will serve.
  • Jesus Follows AP!
  • The Eclectic Homeschooler has some links to some fun history games online.
  • Want to sign up for studies that research how meds affect pregnant and nursing women? I'm thankful that MotherRisk is doing this research.
  • Read the Bible in Russian online.
  • Innoculate against the cults! Get your shot at CARM!
  • Oooh! Fun! Surf the web as it once was in the WayBack Machine. Too groovy.
  • I've posted before about finding my friends Susan and Susan through alumni directories. Now there is a Homeschool Alumni Directory! (Though current homeschoolers are invited to join, too.) It's new, but sign up--let's get back in touch with one another.
  • Play some MP3 praise music! Lovelace and Pardoe.
  • Check out a friend's Christian website, OffQueue.Com and help get their forums going.
  • Digital Neighbors provides a complete listing of media resources throughout the US. User-friendly and a fabulous resource for the kitchen table activist.
  • Wendy's Dolls sells wonderful dolls and playthings. If only I had a girl. . .
  • Becoming Family magazine recognizes that it takes nurture, love, and laughter to build a strong family. A one year subscription is just $9.95--totally worth it.
  • My childhood friend Rainy and I spent hours playing pen-and-paper Battleship. This week the boys have learned how to play Battleship online.
  • Need a laugh? SatireWire.Com
  • We recently studied the Middle Ages and knights with the boys and talked a little about chivalry. A friend just shared this website with me, Chivalry Today.
  • Have you taken the Growing Kids God's Way classes through your church? Have you read the baby scheduling book "Babywise" by Gary Ezzo? I highly recommend the website Ezzo.Info. Very thorough.
  • Planning a summer vacation? I recommend the hospitality of the Wiltberger family and their Koinania House Bed and Breakfast. Right now they are offering some great deals!
  • Vision Forum Ministry
  • The Birth Site provides funding for The Nurturing Network.. The Nurturing Network has been helping professional and college women in difficult circumstances find hope and joy in unexpected pregnancies since 1984. I have been aware of the work of TNN for over a decade, and want to encourage you to visit The Birth Site daily.
  • The Second Ammendment Sisters. Yeow! Stay outta her way!
  • Who wants to be a theologian? Take the game-show quiz!
  • Check out John's latest web article, The Unmourned Passing of the Dinosaur.
  • No family computer should be without a filter--we use and recommend the American Family Association's Filter. You can try it free for 10 days, and costs just $40 a year.
  • And along those lines, if you have a webpage I encourage to have it rated by SafeSurf. It helps internet rating systems identify pages that are and aren't appropriate for children. The people at SafeSurf also involved in helping to stop those who prey on children.
  • Oh, my! You have GOT to check out this link (even if you aren't a George W. Bush fan!)
  • Our family mission page:
  • I have rarely seen a traditional print journal successfully transition to the web, but National Review has done so brilliantly. I believe its webmag may one day outshine the print magazine, though that would make me sad indeed. Definitely a link to check daily.
  • September 11th, 2001. I know that we will never forget that date. May the days ahead draw us closer to God. If you want to help the churches in New York minister to their communities, please visit the Mission to the World Minuteman Appeal.
  • When our first son was born, we went through the Preparation for Parenting curriculum designed by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo. When we were expecting our second son, we taught the class. This letter explains why we regret our involvement with that material, and cautions you may want to consider for your family.
  • Are you a Stay At Home Mom? Then visit
  • Check out Epi Kardia, a historically-organized home school curriculum. My friend, Beth, has helped put it together. I'm seen her homeschool in action, and know she has great ideas.
  • I spent several of my childhood years in Bisbee, Arizona, and every so often become nostalgic for that time in my life. Slice o' Bisbee gives a wonderful glimpse of Bisbee.
  • Honoring those who served in Vietnam--The hosts of this website are attempting to reunite found dog-tags with their owners or families. Please visit
  • In Memory. . .
  • Free Logos Bible Software CDs! That's right! Over $500 in books on CD for free (okay, almost free--pay s&h) It includes TONS of great Bible study and reference works. A must for EVERY virtual library.
  • You have just GOT to try Half.Com! If you have discovered the ease of shopping online, or haven't ventured into that yet, check out this website. CDs and books are listed at half or less of retail price. I've found some great deals there. *grin* 2/21/01
  • Phil Johnson's Bookmarks--don't let the name fool you into thinking this is a mundane site. I consider it a MUST see!
  • I much prefer ICQ above AIM or MSN-IM. Download it at ICQ.COM. My number is 22612511. Update: No ICQ at this time. Sorry!
  • One of my favorite resources for raising boys is Vision Forum. It is run by our friend Alexandra Phillips' brother, Doug. They have GREAT books and tools for encouraging imagination and life skills. (11-29-00)
  • And for those of you raising young girls, I highly recommend The Girlhood Home Companion. Please subscribe to their print quarterly. GHC is still working on getting articles online.
  • In this whole election mess, I want to give kudos to Florida Secretary of State, Katherine Harris. She has conducted herself with dignity and honor. Of course, she was the "other woman" in John's life--he took a semseter off of college to work on her first campaign for state senate. *grin* We love her--she is a great lady!
  • "They won their freedom with bullets so that we could defend our freedom with ballots," NRA President Charlton Heston reflecting on the War of Independence, the Second Ammendment, and the upcoming election. (10-20-00)
  • Oooooh! Guess what!?! I just found my OTHER best friend from 6th grade, Susan Z! *grin* I'm sooooo excited! I posted a message for her, thinking it was a looooooong shot at Reunite All earlier this week. Within days, the site owner AND Susan had e-mailed me. I'm so excited and looking forward to catching up with her. (9-15-00)
  • If any band were to play the soundtrack of your life, who would it be? For me, it is definitely The Choir. This is the only band I've ever admitted to being a fan of. . .
  • My latest favorite website is Snapfish. In the past they offered nearly free photo developing. Now it costs a little, but is still quick and convenient.
  • We are studying Russian with Russian Language Ministries. It is an EXCELLENT program, and I think it is a must for anyone planning on moving to that part of the world.
  • Lots of yummy recipes are at To's FAM Recipe Page.
  • Ooooooh! My new favorite hobby is silk ribbon embrodiery! It is SO pretty and relaxing. I haven't found any sites I want to link to yet, but if you get an opportunity to take a class, DO IT! Thanks, Muff and LuAnn for introducing it to me! *grin* (3-21-00)
  • This HighSchoolAlumni.Com site is SOOOOO cool! I found my BEST FRIEND from sixth grade through it. I checked out the little town I thought she had moved to, and sure enough, Susan T. was listed! I left her a message through the alumni site, and received and e-mail from her the following day. By the end of the week we had talked on the phone for nearly an HOUR! (Can you tell I really like this site, now?!)
  • Oh, and then Susan told me about this site for W. T. Sampson High School students and I was able to get in touch with several other friends I remember from Gtmo. It's been really great renewing old ties.
  • George W. For President Now did you really think that the Bush family would support anyone else?
  • It's Just Another Baby, is an online book by a first-time father about the rough times and funny times of having a baby. I stayed up until 1 am this week reading it! (4-2-00)
  • The Well-Trained Mind is one of the education sites I've been looking through lately.
  • Hotmail.Com Free web-based e-mail--I've used them for over three years and like their format better than any others I've tried.
  • United Kingdom English for the American Novice
  • Russia Today is a source for daily news in the former Soviet Union.
  • Women and Children First
  • Slick Deals has some GREAT finds!
  • Stratfor is an excellent source of world intelligence and analysis, especially when you know people ministering in other countries.
  • Rightgrrl! Bashing sterotypes Right and Left!
  • Precious in HIS Sight, International Adoption Photolisting.
  • I Spy Fun visual games for children and adults.
  • Socialization of Home School Children -- A Communication Approach by Thomas C.Smedley This is a master's level thesis that deals with the all-too-common, "What about socialization?"
  • Lately, I've been keeping tabs on the weather in Kiev. It is common for us to talk to the boys about it. "It's COLD in Ukraine. But that's okay! We LIKE cold weather!" Johnny thinks hats and mittens are the most fun, and wears them around the house all the time!
  • The Food Timeline Yummy recipes throughout time! Great for unit studies.
  • Strangers in Paradise Okay, so I'm hooked on a comic book. . .

Home Theology For Girls Teacher-Lover-Keeper My Gift Noonie Teaching Young Children Odds 'n' Ends
My Beloved My Boys Scribblings On the Bookshelf For Our Troops Friends and Causes Missions

Recovered June 28, 2003, Last Updated March 22, 2003