Catharine MacKinnon and Communist Feminism discussion page

Catharine MacKinnon & communist feminism discussion page Contains political analysis from a materialist perspective.





Maoist Internationalist Movement 


MacKinnon quotations:

Feminism Unmodified

MacKinnon :

Satanist purges s&m
Satanist poem
MacKinnon runs from her own line
Re: Satanist poem

MIM controversies in feminist organizing :

Go to feminist organizing controversy page


Wilhelm Reich vs. MacKinnon

Red Ray Grotto engages a writer on Wilhelm Reich: I

Writer defends Reich: II

MIM writer criticizes Reich: I

Red Ray Grotto member supports Reich

MIM quotes MacKinnon against Reich

Tani Jantsang likes Reich

MIM: What are true causes of sexual sickness?

Go to continuation page for Reich vs. MacKinnon







Say something yourself?

Send your own articles of communist feminism to be considered for this page. Warning: All communist and Satanist organizations are infiltrated by police. You may want to consider using anonymous names in your articles and also the INTERNET accounts you set up. Write to


MIM's Favorite Links

Maoist International Movement headquarters
Classic quotes and issues page of the Maoist Internationalist Movement
Contemporary controversies page of the Maoist Internationalist Movement
Communist Party of the Philippines
Turkish Maoists of TKP/ML in Turkish and English (News)
