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MJCL Online

Welcome To the Massachusetts Junior Classical League

Web Page!


Salvete Omnes!

 About MJCL

 About NJCL

 JCL Creed

JCL Song 

What's Going Down in MJCL?

 1999-2000 Officers

 Convention Highlights

MJCL Minutes

 Local Chapters

 State Convention

 MJCL Constitution

 The Forum

 NJCL Constitution

MJCL Spirit!

Latin and Greek Related Sites

 The Book of Roman Arms and Armour

 If you want to know anything about Roman weaponry, then check out this site.

 Medusa Mythology Exam

 Learn about this international test given to high school Latin and Greek students.

 An overall great site. Highly recommended for teachers and students alike.

 Book of Latin Emblems

 If you need emblems, then go here.

 The Labyrinth Home page

 This is Cool!!!!

 Classics at Oxford

 Visit the web page of one of the most prestigious universities in the world!

 Latin languages studies

 A great learning tool

 Why Speak Latin?

 Here is a brief reason why speaking Latin is so important.

 Myths and Legends

 A vast collection of classical mythology

 Ancient and Modern Olympics

 This is a very interesting site that compares/contrasts the Olympics.


Other National JCL Web pages

 The Official NJCL Web page

 The Unofficial NJCL Web page

State Chapters Online


Washington D.C. 




Washington/British Columbia 


 New Jersey
 North Carolina
 North Dakota

 South Carolina 



Local Chapters Online

 Boston Latin Academy

Question? Comments. Suggestions. Send any of these to
Multas Gratias.