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Welcome to me....!!!
These are my Feelings....My thoughts......My things......!
These, I would like to share with you......
May be these are worthfull, Otherwise these are Rubbish...!
I didn't think about it....Because, I love these...
Its my Life, My Views, My Experiances...
Good, and Bad....!
If you have time, Then only, Just read this for me....!
And share with me your Feelings about it......!
I hope, I wish....
Thanks a lot....
With Lots of Love,
Yours, Sureshkumar.P.A.
" JAI HIND " Visit my Second Poem page at
" Me Feelings "

The darkness.....!
around the earth,
by a larg blast,
or by storm,
otherwise without anything,
the darkness.....!
Really, they cannot do anything,
because, they cannot do anything,
as like as me,
as like as you....
It's depends my work,
your mind,
their thoughts,
our life....!
He can write a poem,
she can do a dance,
you can paint a picture,
but, I cannot do anything.....
They are quarrelling,
fighting each other,
for a little bread,
for an old cloth,
for a damaged chair,
for a ..........
Fly with a cloud,
cry with a baby,
play with a puppy,
smile with a bud....
Dragones are avioding meet,
the bees are flying away from the flowers,
snawfall getting in the summer,
rain is coming over the sea.....
Still they are eating,
they are drinking,
they are chatting,
they are playing.....
But, the Darkness....
getting around the earth,
surrounding everywhere,
the Darkness.......!

" YOU ARE .......!!! "
You are thinking that,
you are the Great
you are thinking that,
you are the good
you are thinking that,
you can do everything
you are thinking that,
everything under you
But, you cannot fly,
as like as a bird
you cannot swim,
as like as fish
you cannot collect
honey from a flower,
you cannot create a small Ant.....
You are thinking that,
you can think
you are thinking that,
you can smile
but, you are thinking
about yourself only,
you are smiling
for you only.
You are thinking that
you know everything
but, you don't know,
who are you.
You are thinking that,
you can go everywhere,
but, you cannot go to
your Birthplace.
You are thinking that,
you can get everything
but, you cannot get
your Mind.
You have money,
you have power,
you have Computer,
But, you doesn't have
a lovely mind,
you doesn't have
a kind full heart.
Still you are thinking
you are the great,
you are the good.
But, really you are nothing,
nothing than a small creature.
With Love,

Visit my Second Poem page at
" Me Feelings "

" IT'S A LITTLE ........! "
It's a little world,
It's a little word,
for a little friendship,
by a little friend.
Whenever we are getting something,
then we are loosing something
in between there are something
for ever, for ever....!
Sun will shine in the sky,
rain will come into Earth,
we will live a little,
Love will live for ever.
The flowers are smiling,
the birds are singing,
the wind is flying,
the Love is creating.
In every word,
in every moment,
in every touch,
Love is getting.
It's a little world,
it's a little word,
forever friendship,
by a little friend.
When we are trying to forget,
when we are trying to remember,
when we are trying to create,
when we are trying to destroy.
Like a small waterfall,
like a small Lovebird,
like a little ice cream,
like a small tide.
Whenever you go,
whenever you come,
whenever you live,
whenever you die.
It's a little world,
it's a little word,
forever friendship,
by a little friend.
With Love,

To day the sun is in the sky...,
As like as yesterday....
To day I am in the earth....
As like as yesterday...
My flowers are getting honey...
My trees are getting flowers...
My Daina Gone for a visit ......
I was too much tired...
Still ..........!
I was looking for a hand ....
I was looking for a word....
All the ways are getting dry...
I think because of the sun....
But I love rain...
The heavy rain with storm...
(Not in the teecup....! )
I would like to walk in the rain...
I would like to sing in the rain....
I would like to swim in the rain....
I would like to cry with the rain...
I would like to laugh with the rain...
don't think I am mad...
really I am MAD...!
I had one small cart...
The bull cart...
I am going to pull the cart with myself...
I am going to sit in the cart...
I would like to go in the hell with the cart...
But the CHITRAGUPTAN hasn't alowed me for that...
I beg for him...
Because you know that is my life....
My mother is looking for a cat....
because there is a lot of rats....
My father is looking for a cow.....
Because there is a lot of "KANJI" ......
My brother is looking for a child ...
Because he got married....
I would like to hide in the hill...
and hide from the hill....
I am not a .....!!!!!
I don't know ....!
What I am saying that I am saying....
What I am doing that I am Doing...
There is one milk pot...
It is getting full and full....
The sun is gettig dark...
I don't like darkness...
Because I am in the dark...
I am from the dark....
I going now...
Don't ask me where I am ....
because I don't know that...
I will be here...
Maybe forever....
I want to wait for....!
I want to talk for ....
I want to see dreams...
I want to make things....
I am a man for me also...
I am the man for .....!
Oh... God..!
That crow is getting hungry...
I would like to feed it...
My coffee is getting cool...
Forgot that...!
I didn't have a bath today...!
I gave My cloths to my pet to wear...
its a hotest day know...!
ok, that ring is belling....
I think its for me...
I will be for you......
But don't wait....
don't sit....
don't .........!
With Love,

Visit my Second Poem page at
" Me Feelings "

The Day,
which I was waiting...
Which I am having...
The Day......
The day,
when I saw her.....
when I heard her....
The day......
The day,
Where I leaft it....
where I found it.....
The Day......
The day,
I will ........
I would.....
The day......
The day,
for me.....
for her....
The day.......
The day.....!
With Love,

Yesterdays are yesterdays,
but its for today...
I think, its for to day..
Not only,
Todays are todays,
But Its for tomorrow...!
I don't think so,
Not only....
yeasterday for today,
today for tomorrow,
then tomorrow for...?
With Love,

" If I Think ......!!! "
If I think I am the God
Yes, I am the God...!
If I think, I am the Devil
Yes, I am the Devil...!
If I think I am a Man
Yes, I am a Man ...!
If I think I am a Woman
Yes, I am a Woman...!
If I think I am a Brilliant
Yes, I am Brilliant ...!
If I think I am a Fool
Yes, I am Fool ....!
If I think I am Good
Yes, I am Good...!
If I think I am Bad
Yes, I am Bad...!
My Dear friend,
Please Donot think so,
Because, you are you only...!!!!
With Love,

Visit my Second Poem page at
" Me Feelings "

" DREAMS & TRUTHS...!!!"
A walk with the full moon -
through the hill side,
A dance with the rain -
in the day light,
A song with the Love bird -
in the early morning,
A chat with the tides -
in the late evening,
Thinks and Dreams are different
but, sometimes we will think
about our dreams,
otherwise, we will dream
about our thinks...!
Sometimes dreams will become true,
otherwise, thinks will become dreams.
Somebody will workout their dreams
in a sunny day,
or a dark night.
In a busy market,
or a silent room.
Somebody will workout their dreams
in their sleep
or their awakes
Somebody will live for their dreams
somebody will dream about their life.
One monday morning in the TAJMAHAL,
Sunday day time in the NAYAGRA WATER FALLS
Friday evening near the PIRAMIDS,
Saturday evening in the CHINESS GREAT WALL.
Calm after a riot,
silence before the death
noises after a storm
Really some Dreams & Truths...!
With Love,

"WAIT AND ......."
A candle,
the needle of the clock,
one leaf of a flower,
little milk....
Thoughts are going on...
without a start,
without an end.
thoughts are going on....
Yesterday or day before yesterday,
there was a letter from 'KANDY'
today or tomorrow,
they are preparing for the funeral....
One piece of red cloth,
a little rice,
one pot "Ganga Water"
with a little "Thulasi" .....
The crow is crying,
crying and crying...
not for food or shelter,
but it is crying.....
The small wind is coming from the north
and going to the south east
but, their cotton plants
still not has been flowered....

One more candle,
one more candle,
one more candle,
one more candle......
There is nothing to hear
there is nothing to see
there is nothing to do
there is nothing to think.....
It wake up ....
blowing ....
wait .......
Keep ready everything
clean your mind
wash your hands,
tight the shoe ......
A spark,
a candle,
a torch,
one Light .......
With Love,
Ganga = a holy river in India.
Thulasi = a holy plant, which are using in the temple for the pray

" DON'T ........"
Don't ........
Don't do that
Don't do this
Don't do......
Don't wake up in the early morning
Don't pray with lights
Don't read too much
Don't work hard.........
Don't be perfect
Don't be punctuall
Don't be good
Don't be gentle.....
Don't finish your work on time
Don't fullfill your Aims
Don't make a wish
Don't give blessings.......
Don't be happy
Don't be handsome
Don't be smile
Don't be smart.....
Don't kiss your Mum
Don't play with children
Don't sing a song
Don't write a poem.....
Don't be kindfull
Don't be paciant
Don't be thoughtfull
Don't be Loveble....
Don't Love somebody
Don't like anything
Don't give anything
Don't help anybody......
Don't ........
Don't do that
Don't do this
Don't do ......

Namaste !
Dear All,
Heartly Welcome to
our Greatest firm's
Homepage ....!!!
( " Your Own Eyes To The Real Life " )
" Sri "

This is the way to know your unknown friend,


Email: sureshkumarpa@hotmail.com

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