About Carl Dix

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Carl Dix is the National Spokesperson for the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (RCP). He was a founding member of the RCP and has a long history in revolutionary struggles. A member of the Fort Lewis 6 - U.S. soldiers who refused orders to Vietnam in 1970 - he was sentenced to two years in Leavenworth Military Prison. In the early 1970's he was an active member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) and the Black Workers Congress (an organization of revolutionary Black workers) and later the African Liberation Support Committee.

As a representative of the Revolutionary Communist Party, he served as panel moderator for for the 1981 Mass Proletarian War Crimes Tribunal, against U.S. imperialism, and as a panelist at the debate on "The Nature and Role of the Soviet Union" in New York City, 1983. In March 1984, Carl Dix participated in the London press conference which announced the formation of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

In 1985 Carl was one of the initiators of the "Draw the Line" statement condemning the MOVE massacre in Philadelphia. In '84 & '88 he was the "anti-candidate", campaigning against the lie that oppressed people had anything to gain by getting involved in the powers' electoral trap. The 1992 L.A. rebellion found Carl at the front lines both before and after the Rodney King verdict.

More recently Carl was one of the initiators of the Oct. 22 National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation, and is a spokesperson for that Committee.

To find out more about Carl Dix, the RCP, USA, or the Oct 22 Committee visit: