Bad movies suck.

Deep thoughts.

Biore strips are freaking bizarre. WHO wants to see the nasty fungus that live in my pores. I DON’T. and I certainly do not want people to make commercials out of it. If I run out in the hall and scream, Oh my God! Look at all the SHIT that lived in my FACE! would I be more popular? Would I have bouncy hair? Would I be fulfilled as a human being?

I might. The expressions on Buffy’s and Muffy’s faces might justify my whole existence.

I did NOT buy this. It came in the Welcome-to-Hell-for-Girls! package that came with the room. I am curious. This is an experiment in the name of science. I suppose it’s about time to see what I’ve been growing.


Ooh wow. I was growing exactly three small brown spots.

On closer scrutiny, they appear to be leftovers from my apricot/walnut shell skin remover...Whatever. Some chick things are beyond even me.

It’s all about the LipSmackers, baby.

Would it be more productive to stay up until three and watch Tootsie, or....Aaaaah!!!!! YES!!!! TOOTSIE! I bet Pell is a closet drag queen! Kick ass! I knew there was an explanation! He’s so damn obnoxious because he’s jealous of my femininity! Well, heck, boy! Just get yourself some of these Biore things, and all your problems will stick right to it!

I'm no crack baby, look at these lips!
what color is that? ummmm it's shiny!
and tastes like gorgeous
the spike heeled kittens want to play
with their addiction

it's so pretty and I wanna look like that
it's so shiny and I wanna look like that
it makes me high and I have to look like thatI started this a week ago.

Time sure flies when you’re getting a monitor tan.

In another week or so, I will have my new Sailormoon fix, so maybe my Muse will find its way back from Jamaica or wherever it is vacationing without me.