Hello again! Thank you so much for showing up. I have some really great stuff to show you! First of all there is fanfic!!! Thanks so much to Amanda Reppening for writing the first story. You can check it out here.
Also, I know you all have just been desperately wanting to get your own e-mail address at tortall.zzn.com. Well, now you can!
Click on the following link to take you to the Zap Zone Network, where you can get your free Tortall-mail.
Discovery.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc. |
Hello and welcome to you all, and thank you for visiting my page!
While you're here, why don't you visit my shrine to fiction books.
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You can also take a look at the weekly poll.
If you want to talk in real time with other fans, check out my Tortall fan chat page.
Also, if anyone who likes to write short fiction stories is reading this (come on, I know you're out there) please, drop me an e-mail, or let me know your AOL screen name, so we could talk. (I don't have AOL, but I do have their instant messaging service. My name is Justld123) I would love for you to be able to write something for the page. (Maybe a continuation of Alanna's or Daine's stories?)
Visit other great Tortall and fantasy book pages below.
Take a look at the question of the week. E-mail me the right answer and you win.... Um.... I don't quite know quite what you'll win. Send me suggestions about prizes as well.
Oh, one more thing. Sign my guestbook using the below link. Leave compliments (please), complaints (drat, I knew there would be some), comments (can't think of a cute phrase for this one), and questions (I'll figure out the answers).
The Official Tamora Pierce Website
The un-official Homepage of the 'official' Tamora Pierce fan club
(That was a mouthful)
Tamora Pierce Roleplaying
Pandora's page
A Neato Place (Jennuet's Homepage) It's cool! Go here!
This one really doesn't have much (or anything) to do with Tortall, but please visit
Mulder's Fishtank.
The creator of this site made all of the graphics herself. It's really, really skilled. (and I do not use that word lightly)
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