Functions in Excel
Beginning Exercises

Row Col  A Col B Col C
Row 1 5 11
Row 2 9 21
Row 3 4 13
Row 4 6 14
Row 5 8 25
Row 6 14 26
Average(b2:b7) 7.666666667
stdev(b2:b7) 3.614784456
sum(b2:b7) 46
sum(b2.b7) 14
sum(b2,b2:b7) 51
SUM(AVERAGE(B2:B7),STDEV(B2:B7)) 11.28145112
SUM(B2:B7) 46
SUMIF(B2:B7,"<8") sum of all numbers that are smaller than 8 in b2 to b7 15
SUMIF(B2:B7,"<8",C2:C7) This gives you the sum of the numbers in col c for the rows where b is less than 8. This accomplishes what the sdexcelpro guy for another version of excel, through an add in the conditional sum add in, said was accomplished  through {=sum(if($c$2:$c$22<12,$e$2:$e$22,0))} 38
SUMIFS(C2:C7,B2:B7,">4",B2:B7,"<14") Gives the total in col c for the rows that are between 4 and 14 in column B. Example in help can be learned from but is off. Logical order here different fron sumif.  71
SUMIF(B2:B7,"4<14",C2:C7) This does not work. Microsoft has chosen to make it so that the sumifs has to be used instead. 0