Notes re the typical wind-sprints training routine

Maximum speed is the most important quality to develop on a regular basis. This should be done with maximum speed experiences over short distances. eg Flying start 20-30m runs or Standing start runs over 30-40-50 or 60m. The athlete should perform these runs at maximum relaxed speed in sets of 3 with rests between of 3-5min where they stay active and between sets they should do other balance or trunk activities for maybe 10-15min. eg A maximum amount may be 3 sets of 3 runs over 60m. A good amount to do regularly (ie. 2-3 times/week) would be 2 sets of 3 runs over 40-50m. The athlete should never do more once they are getting slower within the session eg. If the times over 60m are 8.30, 8.20. 8.25, 8.30,8.60,8.80,9.00. Then they should have ended the session after the first obviosly slower run in the session and in the example that was the 8.60. Initially runners may be slowing after even the first run, but with training they may be able to 9 runs at the same speed.


Translation: sprint, rest 4 minutes, sprint, rest 4 minutes, sprint rest 4 minutes, rest 12 minutes, followed by next set. This repeated for a max of 3 sets. This done for a max 3 times per week. As soon as time for sprints begin to decrease they should quit.

Sample Training Template

  Monday Wednesday Friday


Agility and Acceleration Drills Speed Agility & Speed Endurance


8-60 sec drills | 10-20 m sprints 30-100 m sprints 20-50 m sprints and agility drills


1 - 4 minutes 4 - 7 minute between sprints 1:1 - 1:3 work/rest ratio


8 - 15 repetitions 4 - 10 sprints 10 - 20 sprints



Translation: Monday: short 15 meter sprint, rest 3 minutes, short 15 meter sprint, rest 3 minutes etc repeated 11 times; Wednesday: long 65 meter sprint, rest 6 minutes, long 65 meter sprint, rest 6 minutes etc repeated 7 times; friday medium 35 meter sprint, 12 seconds rest between sprints, repeated 15 times

Plan for and ensure that all personnel are provided a minimum 2:1
work to rest ratio (for every 2 hours of work or travel, provide 1 hour
of sleep and/or rest).

Using good form and everything previously learned run short sprints (20 feet) and emphasize the first three steps of the sprint. There should be body lean and a powerful leg drive in each of these steps. No one should be fully erect before the fourth step.

Sets Reps Rest
2 10 20 Mins 2 Mins
Translation: Seems Terry Shaw of "Texas Speed" has gotten confused here, giving the time for "rest between reps" in the table cell where the time for "rest between sets" should have been put, and vice versa. If you were to do this workout the way he has written it, it would take you approximately 405 minutes, 6 hours and 45 minutes, just to do this little sprint workout! What he means is, sprint 7 yards, rest 2 minutes, sprint 7 yards, rest 2 minutes etc., this repeated 10 times. Then rest 20 minutes. Then again sprint 7 yards, rest 2 minutes, sprint 7 yards, rest 2 minutes etc. ten times. This would take you the more reasonable time expenditure of  63  minutes. I can just see some gullible character in Texas doing it the way Shaw has written it here, with 20 minutes rest between repetitions and 2 minutes rest between sets so it all takes almost 7 hours:
"...Ah's doin' this hyar drill jest th' way Coach Shaw fum Texas Speed reccommended it. Ah sprint 7 yards, then Ah ress 20 minutes, Ah do this hyar ten times fo' a set. Then Ah ress fo' 2 minutes befo'e Ah start mah next set. of ten seven yard sprints etch follered by a fine desarved 20 minute ress jest like Coach Shaw fum Texas said. Ah knows Ah git alot outta this hyar sprint trainin' routine on account o' it takes me almost seven hours jest t'git it done. Weird how th' Yankees complain about us bein' igno'ant. They sh'd reckanize thet we is great athletes who hafta put seven hours a day into sprint trainin'..."

"M" Drill

Use cones or buckets to define an "M" shape with about 40' of distance between points. Start at the bottom of the left end of the "M" and define a sequence that goes to each point of the "M" such as:

  1. sprint
  2. back peddle
  3. high knees
  4. sprint
Sets Reps Rest
4 2 15 Secs 2 Mins