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Mars Pathfinder Anomaly Page

This page is devoted to unusual objects from the Mars Pathfinder probe taken from July 4 1997 to about October 1997. The image above shows several unusual looking objects that would more easily be explained by intelligent construction than by random geological processes.
Can you decode messages? What are they saying???

To see a panoramic view o f the Twin peaks region of Mars
Panoramic views PRESS HERE then hit back button of browser

The following links are anomaly groups taken from
A processed twin Peaks image .
Hit the back button of your browser to return or open in a new window for this and the following images.
Near Pathfinder anomaly group
A3 Anomaly group
The lady, the rabbit, and the ????
Some sort of technology
Dome structures & other anomalies
possible midrange anomalies
northern close anomalies

The image below shows a number of suggestive objects to the right front of the North Peak

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