Hiya, howls, and welcome. You have stumpled onto my little space on the 'net now known as ...

Make yourself comfy at the bar here.... have a seat, kick back and all that stuff ::wolfy grins and hands you a drink:: I am Warrior Wolf and i am a furry/werewolf from New Hampshire. Not sure what that means .. you will if u care to scope out more of my webpage ::grin:: Anyhowls, I am also a mom of a wonderful little girl who has made my life worthwhile. For her I quit smoking on June 1,2000 (dont worry though.. I still have a smoking section for all u fine folks *chuckles*) and i have made other changes to my life.

I have moved to New Hampshire from Haverhill, MA -- and I am alot happier. Dont get me wrong though .. I miss my friends and such but ... well my life has done a complete 180 degrees since I have moved. Its nice here and I have alot of caring friends and its very peaceful here ... more of a proper setting to raise my little one.

I have started dating one of the people i work with. He is also a fur and he is the one who has gotten me more into it. We have worked togethor since January 3,2001 but just recently started dating -- since we both had other people in our lifes. Its strange how everyone says they knew it was gonna happen but we just didnt see it --- strange indeed. Well i will write more about him later and will include a special section just for and other "scaley" folks.

When i am online i can be found through AIM (WarriorwolfNH or Leadpaws), ICQ (147454722), or email so feel free to contact me : ) Also i can be found on FurryMuck -- just look for warrior wolf.. i am usually at thalesin's nest : )

music section one
music section two
a place for the kids : )
see my Dale Earnhardt memorial
check out the place that i have set up for my scaley mate : )
hit the dance floor with some furry friends of mine : )
pictures of me and folks that are willing to be seen with me
my sketchy work

wanna know more about my furryness or my wereside?? click here.

Email:warrior wolf

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to save space i have added the rest of my webrings and the like here