Me with Famous People

This is me and-who's that hottie??!! Mr. Body Beautiful Himself, Nomar!!!!! I look bad, but he, as usual, looks sooooooo good!

I met Derek Lowe on the 4th of Jully '98. The Sox had a boat next to ours but something was wrong with it so he came on ours along with....

Bret Saberhagen! AHHHH!!!!! My eyes are closed!!!

I went to Pats training camp August of '98. This is Ty Law and the back of my head.

Me, Ty Law and my friend Christie. He's leaning towards me!!!

Me and Jared from ZOOM! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lisa and I with the Zoomers!!! LOL!!!!!! We met them at a Red Sox game, they were singing the National Anthem.