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The sensual side of Mystyfii.page3.html

Droplets Upon My Lips

Buttons unsnapping
one by one

My fingers trailing
down my chest, catching the
rivulets of sweat that comes
from the steam of the shower

I watch your hands soap your body
you look up though the shower glass
and catch my glance

Eye to eye
my shirt slips from my shoulders
as I meet your out stretched hand

Stepping under the shower,
joining you my head thrown back
my hair now getting wet
The spray of the water
kissing my face,
droplets landing on my lips

Your hands so strong
soaping my body
making me long for more

Taking the soap from your hand
I then begin my journey …
Learning your body as our eyes meet
the same passionate gaze

My hands all soapy
running over your chest
and down your AB's
as I kneel and caress your
long, toned legs

My fingers never missing an inch
as I move my body behind you
gliding the soap over
your shoulders and down
your back

As the water rinses
my lips trail hot kisses
down your spine
rejoicing that you are mine

You turn and hold my head in your
hands as your tongue
dances across my ear
and down to my lips
Pulling me under the water, together
with you lifting me higher as
we ride with time
Your body possessing mine.

©1999 "Mystyfii"

Slave to my Desires

You offer me the sweetest things in life
Taking me to different heights

You tease me and please me
like no other

You tell me your a slave to my desires
You beg me for sweet release
so that you can become complete

You love me in the ways that
I crave each and every day

Fanning my hunger like a flame
Your lips searing through me
as your hands roam my body
Bringing me sweet rapture
Knowing that it is your heart and soul
that I have captured

Ride these waves of ecstasy with me
We will both devote
our love,
our mind,
our soul,
our body
to become one

The two of us together become a whole

©1999 "Mystyfii"

Sensual Surrendering

A sigh ... your fingers touch my eyes

You take possession of my body
quite by surprise ... as
I take hold of your heart

Your lips tantalize and tease me

I am caught in the beauty of your eyes
as you crawl between my thighs

We begin a pirouette as we
dance a lovers dance

Lips that taste like a fine wine
as our bodies glisten
with loves essence
reeling our senses in time

You tame my heart
with the heat of your flame
bringing me to the edge of insanity
as my soul cries out your name

My heart and soul tear free

surrendering to you, the
vulnerability in me

We dance faster and harder
losing track of all time
as I become yours
and you become mine

Tantalizing tastes of ecstasy
as our bodies dance so free

Fingers entwined as we climb
new heights of passion
losing all thoughts of ration

Our bodies hot to the touch
as we love so much
over and over
harder and harder

My legs wrapped around you
pulling you deeper
as your body
lets me know
that it is my keeper

Together we surrender
to the love and passion
Bringing us to an erotic rapture
For your heart has captured my soul
my soul has captured your heart

So carry my heart safely
as I will yours
And then nothing will tear
our love and passion apart

©1999 "Mystyfii"