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Free registries

Reunion Registry
Adoptee birth family Connections
Adoptee Birth Parent Listings
Adoptees free Search Listing
Adoptee Search Center
Adoption Triad outreach
Alma Resigistry Databank
Closing The Gap
D's Database
Family Ties Adoption Database
Gina's adoption Page
Lost Angels Registry
Lynch's Reunion Registry
Merry-Go-Round International adoption search Registry
Reunion Registry- The Difference
Reunions Online Registry
Sheri's Adoption Reunion Registry-Worldwide
The Adoption Registry
United States Adoptees Searching

State Registries

Bits and Pieces registry--For North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Virgina, and Washington DC
Tammy's Adoption Search Page-For Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont
Arkansas Reunion Registry
California Mutual Consent Registry
Adoption Search and Reunion
Delaware Reunion Registry
Finding in Florida
Cole Baby Registry--For the Cole babies, Miami, Florida
Florida Adoption Triad.
Georgia Reunion Registry
Arizona Adoption Registry
Arizona Adoption Connection
N. Georgia Reunion Registry
Indiana Searching
A good site for searches

Kenchan's Adoption Archives
Kenchan's Reunion Registry
Still More...