Cullen's D&D Game

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        I've designed this page to show off the current D&D Players in the campaign run by Cullen Burefoot. The First thing I will tell you though is that he has played all kinds of Role Playing Games and has mixed some variations in to armor and weapons. The current players are Brawn a dwarven warrior, Goff Demois a human barbarian(and his two handed glowing sword named Dragon Slayer), the hafling Tink Burefoot, Nathain Aybarra (Amidalla) the human bard, Baroness Iriss Soun a human warrior, Iriss' poe dog Magik, and Amrikk the Elvin wizard.
         We just lost a character, but not the player, and we just want to let you know that we don't ressurect dead characters or find a way to get them back but just roll up new ones. Please take a look around and then sign the guest book at the bottom of the page.

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Written by Dragonlord (Brawn) and Dave Devrock (Goff Deimos) on July 11th, 1999 updated June 25th, 2001