In Loving Memory of David Beaulieu August 12, 1958 - March 26, 1998

"Mom's Favorite Picture of Davey"

Sunrise ~ Sunset

The day you were born
was like a beautiful sunrise.
I felt such a heart full of love
the moment I looked into your eyes.
Beautiful Sunrise!
The day you took your first steps
Dad and I were shouting so loud.
Unsteady little faltering footsteps,
Gosh you made us oh so proud.
Beautiful Sunrise!
Than came the time to let you go,
your first day of school.
You looked so handsome all dressed-up,
you thought you were so "cool".
Beautiful Sunrise!
The years flew by so quickly,
Graduation Day was here.
I watched you walk down the aisle,
And shed my share of tears.
Beautiful Sunrise!
Then Cynthia walked into your life,
You instantly fell in love.
You were married on December 29th,
With God's blessings from above.
Beautiful Sunrise!

Many years went happily by,
As you and Cindy spent your lives together.
No one in our family,
Ever dreamed it wouldn't be forever.
Cloudy Sunset!
Than tragedy came so quickly on a March night,
A late night phone call woke us.
A brain anuerysm they said,
And in God we put our trust.
Cloudy Sunset!
But healing was not part of God's eternal plan,
A decision would have to soon be made,
I felt my legs weaken,
And I could hardly stand.
Cloudy Sunset!
Together, as your family
We decided to let you go.
Even though inside our minds,
Our hearts were saying "NO"!
Cloudy Sunset!
You left us seven years ago,
I miss you more each day.
Our sunrise turned into
A sunset the day you went away.
Cloudy Sunset!
In this life there are sunrises and sunsets,
One day our sun set will begin.
And oh the joy of seeing you Davey,
In the sunrise once again.
Glorious Sunset!
"Til the sun sets and I hold you once again."
Love you forever ~ MOM

~ "My Sailor Boy" ~ David spent
14 years in the Navy and was a
Chief Petty Officer when he got


Davey at 3 months old. He was so inquisitive.

David was our first born but not for long, I was pregnant with his sister Pat when he was less that 3 mos. old. Being the first child, we were so careful of David and spoiled him and believe me "he knew it." For as long as I can remember David wanted to fly. I remember when his dad took him to a local airport to go up in a piper cub. My husband had David's handprints on his leg for weeks after but he was hooked.

Davey in the 70's. I didn't like
the long hair, that's probably
why he wore it that way!!

David had a wonderful childhood with mini-bikes, horses, a pond in the back yard to swim or skate and brothers and sisters to share it all with.
David was an avid hunter and fisherman. He and his dad and his brother Glen spent many hours in the woods and on the lake when he was a young boy and teenager. Although we don't have any pictures of David hunting (because they never took a camera in the woods) it was his passion. Especially deer hunting, and fishing (which we have plenty of pictures of) came in a close second. He was a real sportsman.

David and his wife Cynthia.

After High School, where he met the love of his life Cynthia, he tried working but never could find his niche so at the age of 20 he joined the Navy and found a home. He married Cynthia and she followed him across the country. They were married for almost 19 years before his passing but were never blessed with children.

Plane David flew in. They searched for Russian submarines in the Indian Ocean during the Gulf War.

David's wings. He flew in a P3 as a anti-submarine
warefare operator for most of his Naval career.

We really didn't have David with us for the 39 years he lived because he left at 20 for the Navy and was only able to come home about once a year as in his job he spent 6 mos. out of every year overseas. When David left the Navy after 14 years he went to work for General Dynamics and they sent him to Hawaii and than Washington State so we still did not see him much. Of course he called every week and we wrote and he came home at least once a year.

Look what Davey caught. Can you see it??? The lure is
bigger than the fish.

Davey's dad. He won the dollar that day for the
largest bass.

David and mom when I visited him in Hawaii.

Then in 1995 David decided he had enough of being away from home and family and just packed up and came home. We had him for three years during which time he was able to spend quality time with each of his sisters and brother and their families and his grandparents and his dad and I. So really we only had Davey in our lives for 23 years. But I am so thankful that God gave us that time with him.

"Son, I cannot put into words how much we miss you.
All I can say, Davey, is you were are are loved as much as any family could love you. We miss you terribly. Sending "angel hugs" and kisses to you and Cassie until we can all be together again. "Love never dies." Angel Hugs. Mom

"Love at first sight". David and Cassie when they first
met. They had a very special bond and now it continues
in heaven.

"Our Family" ~
Glen, David, Norman, Joyce, Patricia and Maryanne.

A Grieving Parent Is...
A grieving parent is someone who will never forget their child
no matter how painful memories are.
A grieving parent is someone who yearns to be with their dead
but cannot conceive leaving their living ones.
A grieving parent is someone who has part of a heart
as the rest is buried with their child.
A grieving parent is someone who begs for relief from the memories which plague them
and then feels guilty when they get it.
A grieving parent is someone who pretends to be happy and enjoying life
when they really are dying inside.
A grieving parent is someone who can cry or laugh at the drop of a hat
whenever they remember their beloved child.
A grieving parent is some who feels as if they just lost their child yesterday
no matter how much time has passed.
A grieving parent is someone who fears for their remaining family
because they cannot bear to have any more losses.
A grieving parent is someone who sits by their child's gravestone
and feels a knife stabbing their heart.
A grieving parent is someone who wants to help others who have lost loved ones
because somehow their loss is theirs all over again.
~ Copyright Judy Skapnik

