Hi my name is Jim and I am 14 years old. I am a technician class ham. I have had my license since I was 12. If you want to talk to me you can usually catch me on the 146.760 (Scituate, RI) repeater. There is no PL on that repeater. I am active on 2-meters,6-meters and 70-centi meters. If you want to set up a time to chat you can Instant Message me, my screen name is kb1gef, or Email me. My station consist of many radios and radio related stuff. I can receive everything from 160 meters to 900MHz. I am also very active in shortwave radio. I run my station with an Alinco DM-340MV power supply. I also have a Rohn 25-G 40ft tower. I plan to put a 2,6, and 440 Yagi and an Omni-directional antenna on my tower.
Email: kb1egf@hotmail.com