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Original Writings from the Mind of a Somewhat Twisted Person

Just Me and My Writings

Hey! My name's Mary. I love to write. Always have, always will. I've posted up stuff that I've written because that's the main reason I made this site. If you read anything, you have to tell me what you think. Drop me a line and tell me what you honestly think. And try to make your comments more than, "It's good. I liked it. Really." I can get that anywhere. What I can't get is why you liked it-if you liked it. And why you didn't like it-if you didn't like it. Be specific. Please. Thank you.

Umm...some of the stuff I put up probably hasn't been touched in a year or so, so forgive me if it sucks ass. But tell me if it does. Above all, BE HONEST! It's a hard as hell characteristic to come by these days.

You can email me at the above address or catch me on ICQ. My number is 35567599. Or you can catch me on AOL Instant Messenger. My name's Writie25.

I've got more stuff about me in my bio, if you really want to know about me...or if you just want to read something that'll put u to sleep...


#1: Everything on here belongs to me unless otherwise stated!!!!!!!!!!! you can't use my crap unless I say you can!! and i hold no responsibility for the stuff on any links to any other pages. but i'm pretty sure that the links are good ones (meaning that the site is worthy of your attention because it's for a good cause or has some really neat stuff on it...)


#2: Most of the stuff is really angry and/or depressing. Or so I've been told. ;-) So...if you want to read happy stuff, you're in the wrong place. Just letting you know...

AND...the background pic is by Caspar David Friedrich...he's a Romantic landscape painter...I have some links to some of his stuff if anyone would like them...just email me, I'll be happy to give them out. I think he's a pretty awesome artist myself...I even have a pic of his as the background on my computer...this painting of his is called "Abbey in Oakwood" if anyone wants to know...


A Table of Contents...of sorts

Theatrical note...

A Note on My Buddies...

Bio and other random things...