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There is nothing growing below that does not have an angel above urging it to grow.

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blessing1.jpg (8443 bytes) If we are able to define religion in general terms, this is because all religions share some intent or content. As we study human history, we discover that religion, or something very like it, appears to have been a part of every human society. Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, and every creed. In fact, angels have no religion as we know it, but enable us to find pathways to our higher selves. The Hebrew for angel, malakh - malach, and the Greek, angelos, from which the English is derived, meaning MESSENGER.

In Hebrew there are two different meanings to the concept "Angel": a human-concrete, but also a godly-abstract. The concrete being a human messenger, the abstract being an angel of God. God created some angels directly, others are born directly from our actions, for good or ill.

Angels are natural forces placed in the world by God, these forces shape and control all that happens in the universe. In the Bible/Torah, angels have manifested in a variety of physical forms. To Abraham angels appeared as messengers of G-d (Genesis 18:2). In another instance an angel is seen as fire (Genesis 3:2), and in another as a person causing terror (Judges 13:6). Ezekiel describes "ofanim" angels in the shape of wheels. There are "serafim" with six wings, symbolized by fire or snakes and serve as God's messengers; "cherubim" who are part human, lion and bull, and accompany God; and "chayot" (lit. living things) who surround God on His throne.

Abraham's interaction with his three "visitors" provides an inside look into some of the attributes of G-d's angels.

"And he lifted up his eyes and he saw, and behold, three men (angels) standing, were before him." (Genesis 18:2)

And behold three men - one (angel)to inform Sarah (that she would have a child), one (angel)to overturn Sodom, and one (angel)to heal Abraham. For one angel cannot perform two missions. (Rashi)

The primary description of the malachim is that of their being "men standing." This denotes that malachim are fixed in their spiritual position. They perform G-d's will with no thought of their own individual growth. Unlike demons and men, angels have no free will, they tend to specialize in their functions, and can assume both spiritual and physical forms.

There are four archangels, associated with the "chayot," which are: Michael (lit. who is like unto God), Raphael (lit. God has healed), Gabriel (lit. strength in God), and Oriel (lit. light of God). Though interpretations vary, these four correspond to the different Greek elements, directions, colors, precious metals and worlds.

Michael, made of snow, is the angel of south, gold, fire, World of Emanations, red and symbolized by the lion.

Oriel, the angel of east, copper, air, World of Creation, yellow and symbolized by the eagle. He is also known as the angel of mercy, and is believed to have taken the form of a lion and accepted offerings made to God.

Raphael, the angel associated with west, iron, earth, World of Formation, green, symbolized by the ox, and is the angel of healing.

Last and in no way least is Gabriel, whose symbols are north, silver, water, World of Activity, blue and man. Gabriel is an avenging angel, made of fire and responsible for the destruction of Sodom and the taken of the souls of kings when their time has come.

I attended a Study with RABBI ZALMAN SCHACTER SHALOMI - DEEP ECUMENISM, a few summers ago. He taught our group about archangels, as follows: Michael is the Jewish Angel, Gabriel talked to Mohammed, Raphael as Christian, Oriel - "The Light of the World" Jesus Christ The Light Angel. .

Many angels serve as guards for spiritual places and the heavens, while others have specific tasks. The angel "Sandalfon" weaves a crown for God out of the prayers of the faithful. The infamous "Satan" (lit. adversary) points out the faults of Man to God, and encourages their punishment or extermination. The angel "Samael," sometimes identified as the demon "Som," is the main angel of death. The angel primarily responsible for the revealing of secret knowledge is called "Raziel" (lit. mysteries of God), and the heavenly scribe is "Metatron" (lit. in Hebrew, keeper of the watch; in Greek, behind the throne).

There are also angels who guard over and personify the different nations. The Kabbalists believe that there are 70 nations, each descended from a particular son, grandson or great-grandson of Noah (the nations which existed previously were wiped out in the Great Flood). Whatever activities occur on Earth between nations are preceded by similar activities in Heaven between the respective guardian angels. Seventy Nations equals seventy mind sets. ALL Nations and ALL religions are Part and Parcel of Earth.

One work divides the angels into two categories: the angels in God's name, led by Totarkhiel, and the angels of God's countenance, lead by Suriyah.

He will give his angels charge over you, to protect you in all your ways. On [their] palms they will carry you, lest you strike your foot against a stone. (Psalms 91:11)

It is the responsibility of every teacher, parent, or counselor to act like an angel (malach) so that others will seek God.

Every individual should want to attain his or her highest point of understanding, that is the goal of creation. Theravadin Buddhist monks teach that the goal of all religious striving is impersonal, without form or shape or movement, and that it can be attained only by self-effort, by following a path leading to individual liberation.

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This Web site is a work in progress; please check back frequently for updated information. My original purpose was to facilitate study, but it has expanded to a more important focus, which is to impart and bestow. It is my hope that other seekers of truth will find the missing sparks needed to propel them on their journey to life.

Please explore each page as an "Angel" with a message that needs your interpretation and study. Each of these "Angels" are similar to the rungs on a ladder (sullam), assisting us toward a higher purpose. It is agreed, my limited knowledge could not compete with any of the Masters. I am just an ordinary person assembling the sparks and returning them back to their source.

WARNING!!! Instilling fear in people is the easiest way to control them. Do not accept another's perspective blindly! To exercise influence involves some level of control or coercion, to get others to do or believe what they presently do or believe. Accepting another's perception as your own is what I would term a "Counterfeit Spirituality." It is easier to accept others interpretations because you do not have to think at all.

"Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there..."

Seek to interpret the message you very well may be receiving right now. One must research, study and meditate for themselves, then make the appropriate application of what they have gleaned. Perhaps the wisest application of influential force is through "example." It is the act of choosing to be, rather than being told who you are.

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All created entities are essence, all essence, like seeds have the potential for integration with reality by accommodating the light of reality which created them. Human essence is stamped with the form called the "image of G-d." This form of our essence is our "desire to give" which implies creative vision. This creates a fundamental conflict in human nature. Half of us wish to be the benefactor, and the other half the beneficiary. This conflict separates us from one another. Our essence has many layers, the outer layers concern what we all have in common. The inner layers pertain to our own particularities, our desire, intuition, and realization. To go from sleep walking to consciousness, all the way up to omniscience, omnipotence and immortality.

Just as we need to understand this physical world so that we can function in it; our soul needs to understand the spiritual world. In naming these spiritual forces, worlds, faces and sefirah they are not always understandable at first. As we expand our knowledge and perceptions through contemplation, and study, we elevate our spiritual awareness.

The perception of the "Creator" is called Faith, also know as the "Light of the Creator," gives a person a sensation of being linked to the eternal. Our faith gives us a complete communication with the Creator, as well as a sense of absolute security, immortality, greatness, and strength. It is said that spiritual growth comes along three parallel lines simultaneously, to the right is the line of "faith," to the left is the line of knowledge and understanding. These two lines are deflected from each other and run in opposition. To balance them a middle line is necessary, which balances both left and right at the same time; that line is our spiritual behavior where our reason is used in accordance with our magnitude of faith.

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"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. --Henri L. Bergson. "

Our five senses exemplify our limitations, and cannot help us feel or imagine anything that is outside of this world. If we can not see it, touch it, smell it, feel it, or taste it, we may question whether it really exists. Through study we can expand the borders of our natural senses and find a sixth sense. These senses enables us to become more aware of the reality around us, and within us. We need merely internalize the characteristics of the spiritual world. We should not imagine a spiritual reality, but we should sense it! Imagining a spiritual reality merely distances us from its reach. Kabbalists reach through their senses to feel a more vast existence that surrounds us.

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The Lord created ministering beings for the vessels: one throne supported on four columns and six steps to the throne: ten altogether. Then He prepared for the throne angelic hierarchies to serve Him: malachim (angels), erelim, seraphim, hayoth (living beings), ophanim, hamshalim, elim, elohim, bene (sons of) elohim, ishim (supernal "men"). To these he appointed as ministers Samael and all his groups - these are like the clouds to ride upon when He descends to earth: they are like horses. That the clouds are called "chariots" is expressed in the words of Isaiah, "Behold the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt. (Zohar 3:42b)

"Behold, I send an angel before you to protect you on the way, and to bring you to the place that I have made ready. Beware of him - hearken to his voice, do not rebel against him, for he will not forgive your willful sin - for My Name is within him. For if you harken to his voice and carry out all that I shall speak, then I shall be the enemy of your enemies and persecute your persecutors." (Exodus 23:20-23)

We do not clearly understand G-d's will when we are too preoccupied with ourselves and the world. We cannot see and hear the "angel" G-d sends before us, to "protect" us, to bring us to the "place," that G-d has "made ready" for us to "meet" Him.

The only absolute Truth is G-d; everything else is commentary. All beliefs systems are "true," but some are truer than others(except idol worship). What is "true" for me and brings me closer to God, may not be true for you. We are all G-d's children, and He speaks to each in a different language that they understand. There is no better or worse than the other, they are only different. The only thing that matters is not our beliefs, but where they take us.

In the Alter Rebbe teaching (Tanya, Chapter 39) on comparing the performance of a mitzvah (deed or blessing) to a body, and one's kavanah (intent) in performing the mitzvah to a soul. He tells us the angels are called chayyot ("beasts") and behemot ("animals"), as it is written, "and an angel with the face of a lion is to the right [of the divine chariot]... and the face of an ox is on the left...."

For they have no freedom of choice between good and evil, as man has. And their fear and love of G-d is natural to them; they need not create fear and love of G-d through intellectual contemplation of G-d's greatness [Ra'aya Mehemna-Parshat Pinchas]. Because their fear and love of G-d are natural instincts to them, they are compared to the animals.

Therefore, the righteous are on a higher level than the angels: the abode of the souls of righteous (tzaddikim) is in the World of Beriah (Creation), whereas the abode of the angels is in the World of Yetzirah (Formation).

*** NOTE: This is so only in the case of ordinary angels. There are, however, higher angels in the World of Beriah, whose service of G-d is with intelligent fear and love.
It is written that there are two kinds of holy chayyot, instinctive and intelligent, i.e., those whose love and fear are instinctive, and those who create love and fear intellectually [Ra'aya Mehemna, and Etz Chayim]. END OF NOTE

The divine service of the angels whose abode is in the world of Yetzirah is constantly, never ceasing day or night, to stand in fear and dread of G-d. This refers to the entire host of angels under Gabriel, which is on the left. ["Left" represents the sefirah of Gevurah, which evokes fear and awe. Therefore all these angels stand in constant fear of G-d].

The Divine service of the host of angels under Michael, is love of G-d; they stand in constant adoration of G-dliness, corresponding to the sefirah of Chesed, and so on.

The point is that both the angels and the creatures of the Divine Chariot serve G-d out of natural love and fear of Him. We are thus able to understand how great this manner of service truly it.

Now, with the premise in place of the divine service (avodah) of the angels, how do we make the application for ourselves (mankind)? We need to begin with a fuller understanding of avodah ("divine service"), it implies an analogy with the manner in which a servant serves his master - service out of fear. Fear of G-d is therefore the beginning and the mainstay of spiritual service. Please bear in mind what is the beginning of avodah (divine service), as well as its core and root. The core and root of fear is to "turn away from evil," and the core and root of love is to "do good." Fear of G-d is what basically urges one to refrain from evil, while love of G-d is what basically motivates one to perform good deeds.

It is not sufficient to awaken the love alone to "do good," but at the very least, one must first arouse the innate fear which lies hidden in the heart not to rebel against the Holy One. The concept is that this fear should manifest itself in your heart or, at least your mind. This fear is attainable to all, inasmuch as it does not require such profound meditation.
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"The beginning of wisdom is fear of Hashem, they have sound sense who practice it." [Psalm 111.10]

Metatron. The chief of the Chieftains, charged with the sustenance of mankind. [Zohar]

According to the biblical narrative, Enoch lived only 365 years (far less than the other patriarchs in the period before the Flood). "And Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, for God took him." (Genesis 5:21-24)

One of the most important apocryphic works of the Second Temple Period is Enoch. Apocryphal: "Of questionable authorship or authenticity" (American Heritage Dictionary). Apocryphal also refers to writings that are secret - from the Greek crypto "to hide."

The description of the transformation of the mortal Enoch into the angel ***Metatron in 3 Enoch 3-15 (paras. 4-19)..." - James R. Davila, "Hekhalot Literature and Mysticism"

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Where Do We Go From Here? ... My Other Angel Links ...

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Withdrawal - Tzimtzum

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Shattering the Vessels - Shevirat ha Kelim

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Four Worlds

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Tree of Life - The Sefirot

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Levels of Soul - Rebirth of Soul

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Return - Teshuvah

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Search for Oneself

redlite.gif (2184 bytes) Zoharic Grades Correspondence to Sefirot

Alicia's Web site is my personal interpretation as redacted, cited, compiled, and edited by myself. They are not to be misconstrued as representative of any particular religious organizations, denomination, doctrine, or dogma ... other than my own.

I have cited various sources including: Adin Steinsaltz book - The Thirteen Petalled Rose, The Zohar - translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon, The Bahir translation and commentary by Aryeh Kaplan, B.S. Ashlag (1906-1991)also known as The Rabash, The Ari- Rabbi Isaac Luria; and Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi; The Master Plan - The Baal Shem Tov's Unique Conception of Divine Providence.

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