There is nothing growing below that does not have an angel above urging it to grow.
This Web site is a work in progress; please check back frequently for updated information. My original purpose was to facilitate study, but it has expanded to a more important focus, which is to impart and bestow. It is my hope that other seekers of truth will find the missing sparks needed to propel them on their journey to life.
Please explore each page as an "Angel" with a message that needs your interpretation and study. Each of these "Angels" are similar to the rungs on a ladder (sullam), assisting us toward a higher purpose. It is agreed, my limited knowledge could not compete with any of the Masters. I am just an ordinary person assembling the sparks and returning them back to their source.
WARNING!!! Instilling fear in people is the easiest way to control them. Do not accept another's perspective blindly! To exercise influence involves some level of control or coercion, to get others to do or believe what they presently do or believe. Accepting another's perception as your own is what I would term a "Counterfeit Spirituality." It is easier to accept others interpretations because you do not have to think at all.
"Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there..."
Seek to interpret the message you very well may be receiving right now. One must research, study and meditate for themselves, then make the appropriate application of what they have gleaned. Perhaps the wisest application of influential force is through "example." It is the act of choosing to be, rather than being told who you are.
Metatron. The chief of the Chieftains, charged with the sustenance of mankind. [Zohar]
According to the biblical narrative, Enoch lived only 365 years (far less than the other patriarchs in the period before the Flood). "And Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, for God took him." (Genesis 5:21-24)
One of the most important apocryphic works of the Second Temple Period is Enoch. Apocryphal: "Of questionable authorship or authenticity" (American Heritage Dictionary). Apocryphal also refers to writings that are secret - from the Greek crypto "to hide."
The description of the transformation of the mortal Enoch into the angel ***Metatron in 3 Enoch 3-15 (paras. 4-19)..." - James R. Davila, "Hekhalot Literature and Mysticism"
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