to Babies of July99!!
This web site is a display of the babies born to the members of the July99@onelist due date list. Through thick and thin, this group has stayed together and grown close as friends. We have discussed topics unimaginable to some people! We have laughed and cried together, but most importantly, created an unbreakable bond between women all around the world.
Two years have passed, our babies are growing and changing every day...who'd have thought this day would come so soon? The Babies of July99's SECOND birthdays are here, and we invite you to see the changes and developments for yourself.
Many of the original members are still on the list, some have left or never re-joined after their babies were born and some have only just recently joined our family of friends on the web. We welcome everyone to share in the joys of the past two years and to be amazed how, in two short years, our "babies" have developed into little people and have now entered the world of toddlerhood!: ( *sniff*

You can view our arrivals page and see how many babies of July99 have been born.
Click below to view a baby's birthday page...be sure to click on their birth announcement page to see how they were two years ago.
* Vayda* Brittany* Camryn* Kyra* Amanda* Emma* Helen*
Alyssa* Andrew* Lauren* Justin* Mati* Ashley*
Brett * Caitlyn* Julianna*
Visit our Mom's Page to see what *we've* been up to lately! We took a trip to Ontario, Canada in August 2000!
Be sure to visit our BABY STATS page to see who had the earliest, biggest, first, etc. baby on the list!
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December 11th, 1999.
This site is owned by July99@onelist members. Site is maintained by list member Mandy. Last update July 9th, 2001. Please be sure to sign the guestbook!