Natalie's Danny and Michelle Site
Welcome to my Danny and Michelle page. This page is dedicated to the best couple on TV these days and the actors who portray them, Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny) and Joie Lenz (Michelle). You can find pics, transcripts, actor bios, favorite Manny speeches, and tons of links to other Manny sites. If you have comments, suggestions, pics, or anything e-mail me here.

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I am in no way affiliated with CBS, "Guiding Light", Procter and Gamble, Paul Anthony Stewart, Joie Lenz, Nancy St. Alban, or anyone else connected to the show. I don't own Michelle, but I do own Danny...he's locked in my attic. :) And in case you didn't catch the sarcasm, I was joking. I only wish I owned him. The pics on the page belong to whoever owns them.