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Mimms Tribute To Legends

**Click upon a Star**

Photos of Mimms (thats me)

This Award was a complete surprise. Thank you Larry
Check out Larry's Shock the Monkey

WebRings I Belong To

If you know a true Artist and would like him/her displayed on my page Email me and let me know. If I can gather enough info I will put them on. Hope you enjoyed your stay. Please come back soon!
*Special Thanks to Leilani for all her help*

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Cool Sites you should check out
click the pic below to view my poetry

click the pic below to view my Angel page located at Mimms Mystical Realm

Timba's Portraits
Elvis Presleys Graceland
Jamie Lynn's World

I'd like to give credit to:
*Kitty Roach- for some of the animations.
*Doc- for scanning some of my photos.
*Becca-for some of Eltons photos.
*Troll- for scanning some photos of the Beatles,Elvis,Joplin.
Thank you all for your help in this site you are greatly appreciated.

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