
It's funny.
I found you a week ago, in the shade;
I had never even known you were there.
I bent down to drink, and you were quick, and cold,
Then I opened my eyes. I stared.
I watched myself move in your mirrored surface;
Your portrait gave me beauty and grace,
The me in you made me feel insubstantial.
I was clearer, truer in your face.
I put the whole of myself in the hole of my heart
And it fit. I slipped in.
At first you were ice -- you were glass;
You shocked a purpose back into my skin.
Then, as I sank, I found stillness.
You flooded me. I moved in wonder,
And you gave way to me.
I opened my eyes for nothing to see.
I blinked, to feel you against my lashes;
My senses blurred. I whipped against you, and you held me,
My lungs strove for freedom (air);
You comforted me and backed off.
I stopped trying to breathe. I relaxed.
Slowly, you returned, and you supported me:
The need for other left me because I had you.
I explored.
I struck out blindly, and you were there.
You were so deep. So full. So real.
My restlessness eased against your warmth;
I leaned on you and wrapped you around me,
And you and I slept in the shrine in the shade.
I felt you whisper, YOU AND I
And I agreed.

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