The Origonal Five Lights-
Crescent Sailor Mithanos
Corona Sailor Mithanos
Sailor Alderaan
Sailor Ceres = Sailor (chibi) Ursa
Sailor Star
While Corona and Cresent didn't change much and Alderaan staied the same, the characters of Ceres and Star are not seen at all in the Star Wars senshi fan-fic..or are they? Sailor Ceres (pronounced Kearez) is still alive and well now under the name Sailor (chibi) Ursa. Turns out there is an Amazon Senshi with the name Ceres and it had to be changed. As for Sailor Star, she is in no way Sailor Naboo. Sailor Star was cut after her creator, Wit, lost contact with us.
The Origonal Elementals-
Sailor Xerilia
Sailor Caliban
Sailor Z = Zaniel
Sailor Elysia
Sailor Ceriath = Maris = Nereus
Sailor Anoth
Sailor Hapes
Sailor Isole
Origonaly, the Star Wars senshi was going to go no further than a first season. It was not till the summer of '99, after sitting in storage for a little less than a year, when Caro joined forces with Cat and Betta in the writting that the Elementals were born. At first they were just a team of random senshi but were later organized. As you can see, they have staied the same pretty much. Sailor Ceriath was changed to Maris by Caro, and likewise changed to Nereus when Betta complained it sounded like mars. Sailor Z was changed to Zaniel to sound more formal though she is still refered to many times as just plain Sailor Z. She was originally the "senshi of flash", and was introduced in a small story Betta wrote (amazing, ne? and it was before Caro'd finished!) to follow up Caro's story. (Another bit of useless info is that Fayore's name was origonaly Vera but was changed to Fayore sence Calvera and Vera were too alike. Another name change was Sailor Caliban's which went from Raina to Raiya sence Raina looked and sounded like Jaina.)
Origin of the Star Lights-
The Star Lights were born from an interesting e-mail between Cat and Betta where Sailor Star Destroier was named. Agreeing that Betta was on to something rather humorus, Cat and Betta proceded to making up the rest of the team, Chaser and Catcher. Origonaly, The Sailorstars went as fallows-
Sailor Star Destroier- Jacen Solo (doomed from the start)
Sailor Star Catcher- Zekk
Sailor Star Chaser- Seth
Later, Seth (wich is just Cat's name she puts in place of a ______ ) was changed to Raynar and Chaser was still undesided. After watching the Phantom Menace, Cat desided she had a major crush on Obi-Wan Kenobi and wanted him in the future to fall in love with her character Sailor Anoth. After working out all the details, he was added in to the group as Sailor Star Chaser and the basic plot to the first part of Season Three was established.
Origonal Knights-
Silver Knight
Tuxedo Nova = Gold Knight
Flame Rage = Bronze Knight
The only reason these changed was because it looked more ordily and such. Pluse, it just made sence to make a group of knights insted of having three individuals.
Things you don't know about Season Three of The Star Wars Senshi !
The origonal plan for season 3 was that the senshi found out about the Star Lights, the Knights, and then kicked darkforce butt. But halfway threw the fifth chapter, things got uglie. Betta and Caro both believed that Obi-Wan and Kaelin should be a couple thought Cat had already called dibs on him for Anoth. After a rathr long written battle of reasons why each character shoudl get him, we came to a final conclusion, we couldn't deside. Betting the fate of their characters against chance, they agreed to go threw with one of Cat's tie breaker e-mails. Caro was to pick a number between 1 and 2. Cat wrote on a e-mail that if Caro chose #1 then Fayore got Obi-Wan and if Caro chose #2 that Kaelin got Obi-Wan. She sent the e-mail and watched to make sure it was unopened till Caro sent her e-mail with only #1 or #2 written inside. Caro had typed #2 and the rest is hystory. (Beleive it or not, Cat was happy Isole got chosen because the night before she had dreamed up Kataris and the plot surrounding him and Anoth.)
Another thing you didn't know about season three-
(Can be considered a season four spoiler) Origonaly, Erebus was to be in love with Lucrecia (Sailor Lunar Mithanos). This idea sickened her maker (also Lucrecia) but was agreed upon. (and of course, Caro had to dump the blame on Cat for it. >:) The season was to end with the bad guys going good (or being destroied as in Charon's case) and Silver Knight kicking Erebus's butt. This was cool an all and season three was written almost completely fallowing this origonal plot concept untill around chapter 23 when Cat drew a picture of Gavrie (whoes existance will be further explained in Season 4) and a whole new future for the fan-fic was created. (Needless to say, Erebus no longer has romantic intrests in Lucrecia ::Lucrecia- "Thank the gods!":: and now season three has to be majorly revised! joy! <-- sarcasm.. well not realy ::smile::
Charon: A son of Erebus who in Greek mythology ferries the souls of the dead over the river Styx. Now in the fic he is not Erebus's son but the blind faithfullness, undieing devotion and complete trust in his leader resembles that of a Father-son bond. The Greek Mythology Charon staied on the river Styx and as a Darkforce General, he is a water powered advisary.
Ursa: Comes from Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. In the fic, this senshi is known as Sailor Ursa and Sailor Chibi Ursa depending on her age. Also, the litteral meaning of Ursa is bear, a favorite childhood stuffed animal which applys cause Ursa is a child threwout the fic.
Nereus: A sea-god in Greek mythology and the senshi oceans in the fan-fic
Elysia: From the word Elysium. The home of the blessed after death in classical mythology or paradice. Elysia is both the senshi of spirit and life which applys to both characteristics of Elysium.. even if it is the AFTER life.
Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna):
Italian, literally, beautiful lady
An Old World poisonous plant having purple or green bell-shaped flowers and glossy black berries. In season three, Sailor Anoth takes this title and as a senshi, her entire color sceme in made of purple, green and black.
Mithanos Cluster: Mithanos does not mean anything directly but has its roots in the word "mythos", which of course means myth. Mithanos is a place of wonder and beauty, suiting its name.
Atanua: A Polynesian goddess of the dawn who used fire (pink is a color of the dawn which suits things.)
-Dex was created shortly after Seran Kye was in the first stages of our SW world.
-Caro and Betta met through adds for each other's newsletters (Betta's was an animal newsletter, and Caro's was a writing one). Betta got Caro into Star Wars and Caro got Betta into Sailor Moon. Betta and Cat met on a Star Wars message board. ^_^ (okay, so that wasn't about our characters.)
-Fayore is left handed and was remodled off the character Vera Reikon in "Escape from Nos Lavoore", a SW fan-fic of Cat's.
-Some characters are based somewhat on our favorites from other sources. (note the word "B-A-S-E-D.")
Out of the thirteen senshi, only four have planet names that are actualy from the "official" Star Wars Universe.
Sailor Alderaan (planet that was destroyed in "A New Hope" and Leia's homeworld [duh!])
Sailor Anoth (the secret planet on which Jaina and Jacen were hidden as babies)
Sailor Hapes (the woman-dominated center of the Hapes Cluster, a 63 planet place that is extremely rich [jewels and such are often associated with them, which suits Sailor Hapes' role as Senshi of Earth])
Sailor Naboo (the planet which gets picked on in The Phantom Menace, very advanced in structure, philosophy and art)