June 22
Drifting along

I’ve decided that I should be called the drifter. All I do is drift from one place to the next, picking something up, putting it somewhere else, but not really putting it away.

I just wander. Maybe that’s it. I’ll call myself "the Wanderer". That way I can have a theme song.

I think the problem may be that I have a sense of unreality about being on vacation, and I also don’t have a sense of urgency about anything. I know I should because I can easily see time just wafting away from me so that when the last week of August arrives I’ll be sitting in the same mess.

And I’ll be whining about it.

I went to one of those huge warehouse discount stores today. I didn’t need anything, but I just got a membership and needed to activate it. I only got the membership because someone came to school and offered us a corporate membership, which meant that we paid half price. This was a good deal, so we all hopped on it. Of course because I live in an apartment I can’t really store all the huge bottles and boxes, but I know there are some things that I use so much of that it’s worth the price of the card.

Specifically, Mrs. Dash and Sweet ‘N Low. They also had a great deal on my favorite shampoo that can cost a bundle if I don’t find it on sale.

I went to the travel agent to check on New York City hotels for Thanksgiving. I couldn’t get any of the places that I wanted, so I picked up a brochure for a package deal and will see if Mom is interested in that at all.

I think Dee and I will end up taking one of these deals in August.

I’ve gotten her hooked on Broadway too. There are so many new musicals that I want to go see, so I have to get there.

I’m really enjoying the book that I’m reading Acts of Love by Judith Michael because it has to do with theater and directing and New York City. I can blame my lack of progress in the cleaning department on this book. I start to do something but have to go back and find out what is going to happen in the story.

I love books that call to me like that. I’d better get some of this cleaning done before the new Harry Potter appears on the scene as I know that will be a big distraction and it’s got 752 pages worth of distraction!

Another workshop at school tomorrow. I hope it’s more worthwhile than the one I wasted my time at yesterday.

Listening to: New York Songs

Reading: Acts of Love Judith Michael

Weather: 83, sunny

Trivia: How do we know the universe is expanding?

Astronomers see countless galaxies for billions of light years in every direction. The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it moves away from us. The whole universe is expanding. How do we know? When an object moves away from an observer, the light from that object changes color, similar to the way a train whistle changes pitch if the train is moving away. This "Doppler shift" causes the light of receding galaxies to stretch out, becoming more reddish. Measuring this "red shift," astronomers can tell how fast each galaxy is receding. If the universe is currently expanding, it makes sense that at one time it was much smaller. The "Big Bang" theory, which describes how the universe might have started in a stupendous explosion, is one possible explanation of how the universe began.

Cool word: shanghai [vt. shang-HIGH or SHANG-high]

To shanghai someone is to take them somewhere against their will. If you are deceived or forced to go somewhere, you could say that you have been shanghaied. Example: "Susan was shanghaied into attending the baby shower for her second cousin Bertha." Use of the word to describe a kidnapping, abduction, or snatching, can be traced back to the 1870s when the practice of coercing men into joining marine expeditions to the Orient was particularly prevalent. People would be drugged or intoxicated and later find themselves aboard a ship en route to the Chinese port of Shanghai or another far-flung Asian locale.
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ARIES A great sense of pride in your roots and delight in familiar surroundings, the closeness of your family or friends, these are the bedrock on which you can build your life. The advantages you have been born with or have gained from your early childhood years are clearer to you. Tap into these strengths to remind yourself of how much you have going for you. A sense of history is necessary if you are to maintain your sense of direction and purpose. You're liable to have to play the motivator in relationships today. But you should be pretty hard to resist right now. Just remember to do the best you can and hold your head high. Your opinions will eventually be proven correct and others will follow your example. Above all, remember to think long-term and don't allow petty annoyances to take up your valuable time. Concerns regarding a child might remain somewhat unresolved, but forcing the issue won't help matters right now. Those who attempt to pull you down will themselves be defeated. Focus on practical issues, basic research, debates. Pisces Moon, your Eleventh House, you win major battles.