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Drawing  and  oil painting is my favourite hobby. I've been drawing for as far back as I can remember. Started in my early childhood in the Quranic schools when I use to draw on the wood tablets  or on the ground.  It was not allowed to draw figures of human beings, living things or creature. Therefore, cars, houses or other cityscape figures were my early models.  When I was nine or( my be  ten)I was fascinated by the drawings of ships sailing on high seas. I actually saw an Italian lady in the neighbourhood drawing one of those ships at her back garden.


At school, I found a good opportunity to develop this hobby. I was the best of the class in drawing scoring high marks at Drawing exams and was highly encouraged by teachers giving drawing lessons.  At high school, my younger brother took one of my painting to  a  shopkeeper  for sale. He offered a price which I found very cheap and refused to sell the painting. That was the only time that I have ever presented my drawings for sale.


 I enjoy  also  pencil or pen sketching , cartooning, scribbling  instinctively , even while talking  in a long phone conversation. I also spend a lot of time experimenting with digital graphic tools.


a sample of drawing

Another sample

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