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The Titans


-How The Titans Fight-

-The titans can ATTACK AT WILL, if they enter a room and someone is there.

-In a battle the titans can choose to either KILL YOU OR KNOCK YOU OUT.  If knocked out you can not participate in the RPG for two days.

-Go ahead and ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT THE TITANS if you can, but it is not recommended.  

-Both titans have 3 BLOCKS PER ROUND.

-The Titans can use any of the attacks in the 10 and 20 minute columns. (see: ATTACKS OF THE RPG)

-Titans WILL NOT ALWAYS ATTACK!  They may stop on a planet to see what is happening, or  to train, or to say hello (not!).

-Smart Tip: DO NOT ANGER THE TITANS, when provoked the Titans will see that you do not survive.  Even at a later date.

-The TITANS WILL SHOW NO MERCY in battle, so do not ask for mercy.

-There are certain WAYS TO AVOID BATTLES WITH THE TITANS. (The items you can give them are explained in the table*** below.  The items on the bottom are more valuable to them than the items nearer to the top.) 


The more you give them the happier they will be.

Any Item (ex. heavy clothes)  

Depending on the value and usefulness of the item,  they will be more or less forgiving.

Give Power (PL)  

You will basically give them your power.  The least you can give them is 300,000PL.  The more power you give them the better they will treat you.  

(ex. If your PL is 900,000 and you give him the minimum amount, your PL will become 600,000 and theirs will be increased by 300,000.) 

1 Dragonball  

They will respect you and in most instances not attack you.

   ***The titans can chose to not accept anything you offer them if they do not like it. (In most cases they will take the item.)

-And last but not least, the titans were put into this game to make it more fun and challenging.  Do not get upset if they take your money or power, just get back up and train some more.



Vegeta, Beware...Vegeta was one tuff guy in the Saiyan Saga, but he isnt as weak as then, now he could take out all who thinks there more powerful then him. He could take you down with a finger if he wanted to but he goes all out in his battles so you better watch out.. He is evil... He would hunt down those he doesn't like. Hes a Powerful and a Evil Titan... Be Extra Careful around him , he could attack without you knowing...


PL: 500,000,000

HP: 50,000,000

KI: 14,500,000


- Super Meteor Combo Smash - {200,000 AD/11,000 KI} (unblockable because it happens so fast)

-Final Kamehameha- {650,000 AD/800,000 KI} (unblockable)

-Finisher-Final Flash Lvl.6- {780,000 AD/1,200,000 KI}

-Energy Absorption Repel- 500,000 KI/ Absorbs Energy Attacks and then deflects them at the attacker (doubles attack damage of attack as well)}

AAndroid #17, One of the most tuffest villians in the Android Saga. This Bad Titan could kick your ass so bad, that you will not be able to move after this super finisher!With him having unlimited ki, while your fighting him, u get weaker while he stays the same.Watch out, he is a powerful titan. He is also always pissed off, and if you mess with him or even see him, it maybe be your first and last time! 


PL: 80,000,000

HP: 5,000,000

KI: Unlimited


-Ultra Quad Shocker- {80,000 AD/50,000 KI}

-Mega Buster- does 60,000 AD/15,000 KI} (unblockable)

-Finisher - Super Hidden Weapon "Pulse Cannon"- {1 AD per pulse ball (300,000)/.5 KI per pulse ball}(unblockable)

-Super Ki Drain- Drains 10,000 Ki from other player,then gives it to himself/5,000 KI}

Buu, One of the Super Beings in the Buu Saga. He could deflect alot of physical attacks and counter. He has the power to turn u into objects witch giveing Buu the advantage in battles. Watch out he may look cute and fluffy but he can rip you apart.  Watch out for him and his "super kamikaze ghost attack" it can do 90,000 damage.


PL: 60,000,000

HP: 3,100,000

KI: 2,900,000


-Transform- {He will transform you into the shape of his choice, which you will remain as for 2 turns (not including when he transforms you.) N/A AD / 75,000KI}

-Finisher - Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack Lvl. 6 - {1 turn to create 5 ghosts; each ghost will attack once (once every round for 5 rounds*) Buu can also do attacks while the ghosts are attacking.  total: 269,500 AD /89,000KI}

*see table

1st Ghost 22,500
2nd Ghost 45,000
3rd Ghost 55,000
4th Ghost 67,000
5th Ghost 80,000

-Genocide- {60,500 AD/15,000KI} 

-Super Energy Bomb- {50,000 AD/ 70,000 KI} (unblockable)

Frieza, He is one of the most powerful villians in the Frieza Saga. He is known to destroy planets and take over planets for the planet trade. If i was you i would watch out when around him. YOu dont know if he will attack or even may kill you with one blow.


PL: 70,000,000

HP: 4,000,500

KI: 3,000,500


-Finisher - Freiza Beam Lvl. 6- 100,000 AD / 75,000KI}

-Heat Seeking Disks - 10,000 AD each disk (5 disks) /10,000 KI}(undodgeable)

-DeathBall Lvl. 5- 60,000./ 40,000 KI} (unblockable,undodgeable)

Koola,Seeking Revenge of his lost brother in Movie


PL: 50,000,000

HP: 2,000,500

KI: 900,500


-Finisher - Koola Beam Lvl. 6- 70,000 AD / 50,000 KI}

-Omega Blast- 30,000 AD/8,000 KI}(undodgeable)

-Electro Kienzan- 10,000./ 7,000 KI}



PL: 65,000,000

HP: 3,000,000

KI: 2,000,000


-Finisher - Cell Jr's (3)-100,000 KI per cell jr./Creates 3 little cells with pls of 1,000,000(Physical Attack is 1000 and they only have eye lazers as move with ad of 2000)}

-Kamehameha-sana- 49,000 AD/10,000 KI}(undodgeable)

-Final Destruction- 80,000/ 25,000 KI}

-Self Explosion- 500,000/ 1,000,000 KI}