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Corey Pinkham wins the 2000 Halloween Foosball Tournament

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What a night for Big Story Corey

The Fifth annual Halloween Foosball Tournament will go down in history as one of the greatest nights in the foosball career of Corey Pinkham. His unbelivable dominacne in the first two rounds against much older opponents to his epic battle with Jim where he rallied back from a 2-0 deficit. To a rematch vs. Steve where he avenged his loss from '99, in a match that saw no outside interference.

The night did not start off good for Corey, however, as he first arrived he was "arrested" because of the Humperdink trial. As the crowd waited....and waited for Judge Angel to arrive, among others, Corey went across the street where he waited alone. Some say he was waiting for a bus to then go home, however Corey said he was just waiting for everyone to arrive, then he would go in, but there were people bugging him on the inside.

After a heart-to-heart talk with Jim, Steve, Chuck, James Higson, and Greg, Corey was convinced to go back inside. However, he first stood in front of the car that Wilson and James Higson drove away in to go get Sothey.

Then came the trial. Corey may have lucked out because Patrick hadn't arrived so Wilson took his place as lawyer. Corey won the case beacuse of Wilson's excellent lawyership ro whatever, after Angel impromptly ended the case awarding it to Corey. Finally he was cleared of the crimes that Steve committed.

When the tournament finally began, (almost two whole hours late), Corey accepted a challenge from Angel, who wanted to move down from the #6 seed to the #15 seed to face Corey. While Corey could have faced Kenny Stewart, instead he had to face the "Big Pimp". But Corey, showing no signs of intimidation, shut the opponent with a huge siza advantage out. 5-0 was the final and Corey's 1-game losing streak was history.

In the second round, Corey faced Wilson. Wilson, had almost two whole years of age over Corey, but "Humperdink" didn't let that bother him as he won again without giving up a goal, 7-0 was the score. After the match, he said he did feel sorry that he had to beat the guy who proved him innoncent.

For the second-straight year, Corey faced Jim in the semi-finals, but this year Jim played hard. Jim got off to an early 2-0 lead, the first goals Corey had allowed in the tournament, but Corey held on and won a game that was a lot closer than the 10-6 final score. Jim then wished Corey luck against either Steve or Greg in the finals.

Steve mopped the floor with Greg, (just as he said he would) and a rematch from the 1999 final would occur.

Steve and Corey. Round 2. Once again, Steve had James Higson as his cut-man. Once again, Corey walked alone, but this time, Corey was the victor, turing an early 5-0 lead to a 10-4 victory. Was it anti-climatic? perhaps, but if you look at what Corey had to go through to get there....It was one hell of a night for Big Story Corey.