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The 2000 Halloween Foosball Tournament

Preliminary/First Round Results:

2000 was the biggest Halloween Foosball Tournament in terms of size. 18 people participated, meaning two preliminary matches had to be held before the round of 16 could be held. There 6 newcomers vying for two free spots in the tournament. Lena and Kyle got to advance, while Joey, Colin, Nick. L, and Kenny had to play qualifying matches. Joey beat Nick L. and Kenny beat Colin to advance in the tournament.
Also before the tournament began, Angel made the bizzarre request of facing Corey in the first round, depsite his #6 ranking. No one objected to it, so Angel swapped places with the winner of the Kenny/Colin match.
Keith vs. Chuck: The first official match of the tournament was the same as it was last year. It would have been Patrick vs. Chuck, but Pat had not arrived yet, so that didn't happen. Last year, Keith got off to an early 4-0 lead, but lost as Chuck mounted a huge comeback 5-4, as he further cemented his legendary status. This year it was Chuck, who got off to a 4-0 lead...and Chuck won 5-0. result: Chuck wins 5-0.
Sothey vs. Wilson:
Sothey had said before the tournament he would kick some butt. But many were questioning how he could have ever won a match (thats simple, he faced Pat). No disrespect to Sothey, who got a little lesson from Greg in how to play the game in the middle of the match. The final result was an end to Wilson's 2 game losing streak, and his first win ever was a shutout. Wilson wins 5-0.
Kenny vs. Gina:
Kenny moved up to the sixth seed because of Angel's bizzarre decision to face Corey. This was an excellent opputunity for one of these youngsters to capitalize and move on to the second round. Kenny did, as he beat Gina. After the match, however Gina still got to play her Britney Spears music Kenny wins 5-3.
Nicky vs. James H:
This match was a very exciting, tense match-up. Nicky, still trying to regain his 98 magic, vs. James H, still embarassed about his '99 loss to Pat. James Higson actually led the match for a while and was one goal away from winning and possibly facing his famous foosball partner, Steve, but Nicky held on, and the most energetic foosball player in history, Nicky got his first win as a middle school student in the Halloween Foosball Tournament, Nicky wins 5-4.
Steve vs. Lena:
Greg stalked around the table, and probably made Steve very nervous. Out of all the newcomers the last one many people would have wanted to face was Lena. Not only was she the "foosball queen", but you know Greg was going to be watching from tableside. With the crowd against him, chanting "LENA! LENA!", for the first time in his career, Steve held on and beat Lena, and promptly got as far away from Greg as possible. Steve wins 5-2.
Jim vs. Kyle:
This match no one expected much of anything from, instead they got a possible match of the year candidate. Jim entered the foosball arena N'Sync's "Bye Bye Bye", but Sothey eventually changed it to "Its gonna be me" which became Jim's slogan for the tournament. However the oooohs and ahhhs from the crowd were considerable when Kyle struck first with a goal. Jim got a couple back, but then the crowd was shocked as Kyle gained a 4-2 lead and was one goal away from the most improbably second round match ever (Kyle vs. Kenny). But Jim got into a zone, and although he was inches away from losing on several occasions, he fought back and fought back, and won 5-4, capped off by the biggest Kurt Angle to the tenth power celebration for a first round match in history. Its True. Its True. Jim wins 5-4!!!
Corey vs. Angel:
With the crowd still wiped from the Jim/Kyle classic, they prepared for another treat. This match would not have happened until the semi-finals, but instead it happened in round one. Corey got off to an early lead, partially because no one could find the goldfish. James Higson and Steve found the goldfish, but Corey had a screen to protect him....As the field was literred with goldfish, just like the old days when the fans threw trash in disgust of Greg's victory, Corey won the match with a shut-out. Corey wins 5-0.
Greg vs. Joey: Joey scored the first goal, bringing hopes of another Jim vs. Kyle classic, but Greg was all-business after that and managed to not give up another one, and moved on in the tournament. Greg wins 5-1.


The Second Round picked up right where the first round left off, with 8 exciting foosball match-ups. The second round featured two of the most played matches in history....Steve vs. Nicky and Greg vs. Chuck....
Steve vs. Nicky: The two brothers net for the third year in a row. In 1998, Nicky upset Steve en route to his Magic run that ended with a loss to Corey in the finals. In 1999, Steve beat Nicky on his way to the championship. In 2000, it was the most exciting match of the second round. Back and forth, Nicky had the lead, only to lose it to Steve, only to regain it shortly thereafter. Nicky may have lost this game, but he further proved the fact that he was right behind the Big Four. Steve wins 7-5.
Jim vs. Kenny: This was not as much a nailbiter as the first round between Jim and Kyle, as Jim dominated the match early and coasted to a 7-2 victory. Sothey played the song Bye Bye Bye as the tournament said goodbye to its only winning newcomer, Kenny. Jim wins 7-2.
Corey vs. Wilson: least Wilson won in the first round. Corey said he felt bad about having to beat the guy who helped him win the Humperdink court case, but that didn't stop Corey from...well kicking his ass basically. Corey dominated big time, and just like Greg in 1998, shut out his first two opponents. Corey wins 7-0.
Greg vs. Chuck:
This was the third meeting of these two, and just like the first two times, Greg won. But Chuck was competive this time... I mean, c'mon, He's legendary, only Jim, Greg, and Steve have been in as many tournaments as him. But he also has the most losses ever but oh well. Greg wins 7-4.


Corey vs. Jim: Corey did not give up a goal in his first two games of the tournament. But Jim struck early and got two quicks goals for an improbable 2-0 lead. Then Corey went back into his dominant mode for the remainder of the matchup. Outside distractions included Angel's LOUD Music and Patrick's assh*le comments...but Jim didn't use those as excuses considering the fact there was no shame in losing to Corey on that night.Corey wins 10-6
Steve vs. Greg: The most played match in Halloween Foosball History. Greg beat Steve in the first match in 1996, and in the 1997 finals. Steve beat Greg in the 1999 semi-finals and tried to repeat the trick in the 2000 semi-finals. All this history came together as the match occured. As Steve was making his lucky Ptolemy entrance, Greg emerged as Gaiello, starting a fight... Gaeillio ripped Ptolemy's custome leaving Steve to play in a tanktop and shorts. Steve got off to an early lead....and Greg "rushed"... and the bottom line is Greg left a loser of a 10-3 score....Steve wins 10-3.


Corey vs. Steve: After a brief recess, the finals were set to take place. The cameramen were Jim (Ted Williams) and Keith (Ramon). The Scorekeepers were Lena and Gina. Lena was on Steve's side, Gina was on Corey's side. Greg came down first as the referee and the guy who would present the trophy to the winner. Corey came down to The Rock's music "if you smeeelll what the rock is cookin"...and the "disco inferno" played as the whole crowd of about 10 people waited for Steve's arrival alongside his cut-man, James Higson. The match started and before you knew it, Corey had won in dominating fashion, he got off to 5-0 lead, let a couple goals slip by before recovering and holding on to a 10-4 victory to claim his second Halloween Foosball championship in 3 years. Corey wins 10-4 for the championship.

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