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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

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There's been more fallout from Keith Ouellette's Guest column from last night. Steven Ostis, certainly unafraid of speaking up as evidenced by his shots at Angel and the Mystery person and his/her Manager, stated about Keith: "Keith better shut up because he aint accomplished jack shit in foosball hes just trying to live off Greg's success." Greg, himself even warned that his brother's mouth may be getting too big. "Tell him to calm down, he needs to prove himself before he can talk." Nonetheless, Keith seems intent on cashing in on the success of his brother. Jim's comments "He may appear to be just promoting family unity, but in reality, I think its just an effort to use Greg's talent and translate it into his own success. He figures if he and Greg win the doubles and then the football game and Greg wins the tournament, if its viewed as an 'Ouellette Sweep', he'll get credit for all three victories. Its also a really savvy move on Keith's part. Sure he had those Daley school educators in the past, but I think it might have been Mrs. Boss rubbing off on him because it is a brilliant plan by Keith. Keith has been in the shadow of Greg during the Halloween Foosball Tournament since the beginning. Now all of a sudden, he's in the headlines and Greg is 'his brother."

At the same time it may be hurting the Ouellette team's popularity in the foosball world. Even the mystery person's manager commented: "Greg's arrogance has always been despised by many of the foosball competitors, but now to have his brother, Keith come in and start talking trash, he of the 2-5 all time record, its hurting him and Greg both. But at the same time, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and it seems drawing attention to yourself negatively is the way to go nowadays."

So who will be the fan favorite this year? Thats a real tough question. Greg is not going to be that popular, having won his share of titles and being none too humble about it. Steve also has recently had a big mouth. Jim has never fashioned himself as a hero, he's always been out there for himself, although his arrogance is not as profound as Greg's. Corey probably should be a fan favorite after all the stuff he's been through...the Humperdink trial..The Higson incident..etc...yet Corey has never endeared himself to the fans at all. For some reason the fans never liked him from the get go. Even Nicky, who may have been the greatest fan favorite ever during his Cinderella run in '98...he was critized last year for being a sore loser. Higson had the Goldfish incident. Angel is a Yankee fan so he's not popular. Should Wilson advance far in the tournament, he has some skeletons in his closet concerning the 2001 VHFT and his tendency to root for the unpopular guy. If Patrick ever somehow made it to the championship again, he'd be disliked for his political views. The list can go on, there are no fan favorites anymore...and Keith has joined that list of the unliked. Also whoever this mystery person is, he/she and the manager are already pissing people off.

There is one individual if he returns, will be a huge star. The Legendary Chuck. There's still no word on whether the legend shall return. Jim has called for him to comeback, "I hope TLC comes back so he can eliminate Keith...again."

Attendees of the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament will see a new adjustment to the now famous picture of Tom Green "My bum is on fire" that adorns the cellar wall. The poster which was put up in the midst of the Tom Green Show's popularity has been on that wall since the first Halloween Foosball Tournament to be held there in 2000(even though Tom Green's relevence has diminished greatly). This little modification will be obvious to all visitors.

Mid-term exams and college essays suck.

The 2002 Celebrity Online Foosball Tournament and the 2002 Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournament have both been updated. The celebrity edition is in its third round, while the VHFT is in its second round. The VHFT will likely be running on a shorter schedule because of the extra round it needs to make up. There are plans of instead of voting online, potentially holding the finals at the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament. A likely scenario would be that the semi-finals end the day before the tournament, giving voters a short window of oppurtunity to vote online. Then they would also get the chance to vote at the event itself, so everyone could potentially vote twice but its all good.

Although not directly related to foosball, an old school conversation took place last night.

CYBRGUY911:  who are you
DEADPOOL69:  who are you?
DEADPOOL69:  im a name from the past
CYBRGUY911:  so am i
DEADPOOL69:  lot of them online tonight, eh?
DEADPOOL69:  so I hear....KINGHO69's team is 5-1 and RedSoxGuy45's is 3-3
DEADPOOL69:  that sucks
CYBRGUY911:  yes
DEADPOOL69:  but its ok, the Stooges will come back