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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

With the Halloween Foosball Tournament a week from tonight, Jim is still undecided when it comes to who his doubles partner will be. Partly inspired by the big words coming out of the mouth of a certain Keith, rumors have been swirling that Jim would team up with his brother, Steve to form "Team Ostis" to take on Keith and Greg. However, the public stance remains that Steve will once again team with Corey as they would try to repeat after winning the inaugural tourney in 2001. But there is definitely reason to believe both brothers are intrigued by the possibility. If not Steve, there's a chance that Nicky could form a brother-brother tandem with Jim. There was some tension between Jim and Nicky at last year's Halloween Foosball Tournament, but that tension is gone now. Its still a stretch however. Wilson's a possibility. A team uniting the only people who went to the Bartlett, Lowell High, and Boston University together could be successful, especially after Jim had praised Wilson's improvement over the last few years. But in the end, don't be surprised if Jim reprises his doubles team from a year ago with Angel. The "Powers that Be" in Bartlett Fantasy Sports went to the finals a year ago. One issue that could be standing in the way is that Angel is expected to arrive just in time for the football game, which would put an appearance in the doubles tournament in jeopardy, as the plan was to start that tournament early.

Word on the street is that Keith's friend, Shawn Paradise may make his Halloween Foosball debut at the 2002 Tournament. That is one aspect where this tournament may be lacking as it looked for awhile no new competitors would join this year's tournament. As of now, the only high profile rookie that might attend is UMass Amherst's Hakmeng Kang.

One of the most unforgettable moments of last year's HFT was Corey's interview in which he taunted James Higson by saying "Higson, I got your shorts." Well, after a bizzarre turn of events, the swimming shorts that Higson left on Tenth St in June 2001 ended up in the possesion of Greg towards the end of this past summer. When asked about the shorts, Greg oh dissed Lowell by saying "I have them at home....I mean back in Lowell." Greg has basically denounced Lowell as his hometown and claims to be a full Bostonian.

In college hockey last night, the BU Terriers tied the University of Vermont 1-1. Northeastern's Greg however, said "Its OK, no matter what, BU will win the bean pot."

Speaking of hockey, Steve and Corey went to a Lowell Lock Monsters game together, and then played NHL Hitz at night. The hockey theme doesn't stop there either as Bartlett Fantasy Sports plans on holding its (late) Fantasy Hockey drafts at the Halloween Foosball Tournament itself. Hockey and the HFT have a long history together, the most infamous moment coming when Nicky injured his tooth three years ago.

Patrick Casserly confirmed what was expected when he said yes to the question "Is it safe to assume you and your brother are a package deal?" There is however nothing new concerning their ability to attend the 2002 tournament. That has yet to be confirmed or denied.

Later this afternoon/evening, the Halloween Foosball table is expected to be brought downstairs to the cellar. This website of course, will cover that event fully when it occurs.

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