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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

If anyone is wondering why the Halloween Foosball website hasn't been updated until late this evening, a major reason for this is the great debate that took place earlier this evening between some of the HFT competitors. Jim and Patrick, in fact, debated for nearly three hours about a variety of topics in the political landscape today, with Jim presenting the somewhat liberal Democrat point of view, and Pat presenting the considerably more conservative Republican point of view. They did agree on one thing that by adding a third, radically liberal point of view to the conversation things got a little out of hand. Wilson entered the debate towards the end when the subject of Israel came up. Patrick had said "Ariel Sharon is the man", and Wilson didn't know who that was. Some of the more colorful comments were as follows came from Wilson: "ok jim i'm gonna take over your house, claim it was mine, and then move you to the street, and than shit all over you after i have pissed in your mouth." (That was supposed to be related to Israelis and Palenstinians). However, Wilson's views could be considered covert anti-sematism. "Anti-sematism??? F**k you my friend!"

In matters more closely related to the Halloween Foosball Tournament, it was also learned that Patrick considers the chances of his attendence slimming by the day. He is in need of transportation from Amherst to Lowell, and so far his first few options are not possible. Hakmeng is reportedly facing a similar dilemma out in Western Massachusetts. There is still the potential that one of them could arrange a ride and bring the other to the tournament if possible. Patrick, despite not being able to compete in the 2000 edition has attended every Halloween Foosball Tournament since the first one in 1996.

There is concern about the possibility of rain on Saturday which could potentially put The Big Game in jeopardy.'s forecast calls for rain throughout the day (Chance of Precipitation 60%). Hopefully that rain will either not occur, wait until later in the evening, or be very minimal, as not only is there the concern about the football game, but also the many other outdoor related activities of the Halloween Foosball Tournament. We'll update you on this situation each day.

Speaking of the football game (it took hours of political debate, but he's finlly out of the headlines), Keith Ouellette is believed to have been the first person in team history to refer to Greg & Angel's team as The Yackadoodles. Greg referred to it as "Team Angel/Greg" when he stated that he would be doing most of the quarterbacking for the team.

Could there be trouble for the Ouellette Sweep? Sources indicate Greg is growing more and more weary of Keith's big mouth. When told about Keith's referring to the team by its Mr Cyrs-given name, Greg said "I don't care what Keith says." One thing is for sure, the focal point of that brother-brother tandem is not Greg as Keith's status has certainly risen, and his popularity has fallen.

Jim is in Boston this week for school and among the activities he is taking part in is taping parts of the "Six-Day HFT Pre-Game/Countdown Show" in the state capitol. Jim hopes to get interviews with Boston area HFT competitors including defending champion, Greg, who attends Northeastern University, and Jim's fellow BU Terrier, Wilson. There could also be outsider comments on the video as well. Many consider the bumper sticker scene on last year's HFT 6 day countdown to be the most riveting five minutes of video ever recorded.

Wondering about the designs for this year's trophies? The Halloween Foosball Committee is working on designs for those "circular pieces of wood" that are the objects of so many people's desire each October. Reportedly, the doubles trophies will look quite different from past trophies, while the Singles championship will be a new update on the classic traditional look. Somewhere on the hardware will be a mention of the new foosball table on which the tournament will be played this fall. Tonight will mark the end in the voting for the 2002 VHFT 2nd round. Due to time constraints voting in the rounds of 8 & 4 will be limited to 2 days each. The elite eight voting will take place Tuesday & Wednesday, and the Final four voting will occur on Thursday & Friday. The Finals will voted on in person at the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament. There's a chance that voters will be allowed to double up their votes as well. It hasn't been officially decided but the voting in the finals could open at 12:00 AM on Saturday morning. Then the votes would be combined with the in person votes at the tournament. This would allow anyone who cannot attend to vote in the finals as well. The Celebrity Tournament is a round ahead of the VHFT. Its Elite 8 voting will end tonight as well. Voters will then have four days to vote in the final four before Saturday's voting. It hasn't been decided how long the online polls will remain open on Saturday. Although for the sake simpleness, it could just be at 11:59 PM at which time the online votes and ballot votes will be combined. The winners will be announced online later. The 2001 finals poll by the way will close at 11:59 PM Friday and the winners will be announced at the Halloween Foosball Tournament.

And finally, Jim met with Chuck this past weekend at Dunkin' Donuts. Only it was his former television production teacher, Charlie Prestia, not the one and only Legendary Chuck. Sadly it looks like Chuck is no longer with us (at the HFT that is). Steve has claimed to be unable to contact him, and Corey has said that he doesn't see him in school (at the Voke) ever. Jim's meeting with Charlie was the first time he's seen him since July of 2001. The Halloween Foosball Tournament hasn't seen Chuck Allen since October 28th, 2000.

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