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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Huge Potential Controversy: Has Greg sold out the Halloween Foosball Tournament?

"I didn't realize it was all a big joke." Those were the word an angry James Ostis said early Tuesday morning in response to comments and actions by 2001 defending champion, Greg Ouellette. Greg was discussing his new fratenity that he is joining when he said "i usually went over my friends Jim's house and hang out, and that we came up with some messed up shit, and then i told him about the web site, he alsmost died laughing....also, the pres said that, when you become a brother, we should put a link to this site just so people can say 'what the fuck is this'?"

Jim, who co-founded the tournament with Greg back in 1996 said "Quite frankly I am shocked and saddened to hear that Greg is making fun of the Halloween Foosball Tournament in such a manner. I have no problem with Greg doing whatever he wishes, but I personally cannot believe that he treats it like a big joke. Now it seems Greg thinks he is too cool to be associated with the foosball tournament. Sure there's a lot of humor and tounge-in-cheek stuff with the HFT, but there's also a lot of hard work and effort put in by all the parties involved to making it a great big fun evening. But the fact is Greg and his 'president' were not laughing with the HFT, they were laughing at us...which is not fair because as everyone who visits this website knows, you cannot understand the Halloween Foosball Tournament unless you have been there."

Jim also is displeased that Greg had an outsider vote in the Virtual tournaments. This coming after Greg took a public stance against Wilson's similar actions last year. "Its hypocritical, but then again thats to be expected of Greg." Greg was propelled to a victory over Nick L. in thanks to part to someone who has no idea what the Halloween Foosball Tournament is all about.

Ultimately, Jim feels it will all even out. "Greg needs to either rediscover his roots, or else he's got no chance of winning this tournament. But then again what does he care? To him the whole purpose of the tournament is something to make fun of and look down upon."

In other news, Jim and Greg agreed more closely when it came to discussing The Big Game. They discussed rules and came to a pact agreeing that if the weather is detrimental to the condition of the foosball players(cold and rainy) the game wouldn't take place. (Steve will head to Wal Mart to take care of that, as a viewing of Mr. Deeds could end up being the substitution for the game....just one idea) As for game rules, everything hasn't been hammered out, but the "wrap'em up to tackle" rule will probably be in place again. Player must have both arms around the other player or otherwise basically stop their forward progress (Sort of between tackle and two hand touch). Jim also found hard against the Two-completion rule, (which he hates). "It limits play-calling, and this is not some frat pick up game....this is The Big Game." Also showing its distance from some random pick up game is the fact that it will be timed once again.

While Jim and Greg were discussing their matters, the younger btohers, Steve and Keith continue to go back and forth as we get closer and closer to the Halloween Foosball Tournament. Steve said this about Keith on Monday, "Keith is an ass kisser. He kisses Greg's ass. You can tell everyone I said that."

A note on yesterday's News, Wilson wants to make clear that his comments were not anti-semantic. Not only were his comments not meant to be anti-semantic, the News did not mean to imply that they was simply to set up an inside joke that only three of us understood.

As you can see, the news n notes are up early today on Tuesday...earlier than usual. That is because Jim claims he is going to have a "big surprise" this afternoon.

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