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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

The 2002 Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournament's Final Four has been revealed and it is indeed a surprising list of names. Least surprising is probably James Ostis who, whether it be singles, doubles, or virtual, has been able to make it to every single final four in Halloween Foosball Tournament history. Joining Jim is his brother, Nicky, not the first person you'd expect to make the final four, but certainly not that much of a stretch. After The Legendary Chuck defeated Steve it looked like TLC would take the whole thing again, but then Nicky got the one vote victory in the elite 8. Nick is the only non Bartlett Class of '98 alumni in the final four as two surprising people take the last two spots. Wilson Rith who has paid more attention and put more effort into the Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournament than arguably any other player in history has made it to the final four after eliminating Greg. While Wilson's advancement is a surprise, the fact that Patrick Casserly made it to the final four of the VHFT may be the single most shocking event ever. Patrick beat Corey in a tiebreaker decided by tiebreaker extraordinare, Hakmeng Kang. But Patrick was once hated by the Halloween Foosball Tournament, and even insulted the sport of foosball. Yet he's earned respect in the foosball community and is now one step away from the VHFT finals. He takes on Foosball/Fantasy Sports/Political rival, Jim in the voting, while Nicky will face Wilson.

Two days to go and no word from Greg. Greg has yet to respond to claims he "sold out" the Halloween Foosball Tournament. Jim did a slight backtrack on Thursday, "I don't want to say Greg is a disgrace to the Halloween Foosball Community, I just think his actions were wrong. As long as no link to this website is provided and he stops using our Tournament as a joke to his 'brothers', and apologizes, then as far as I'm concerned, he's still one of the best," he then added, "It wasn't my intention of starting an anti-Greg campaign...he's done enough of that on his own with his big ego, we don't need any propaganada to back that up...I just wanted to point out something that upset me and many others, quite frankly."

Meanwhile, Patrick may be in the Virtual Halloween Foosball Final Four, but he's facing another obstacle in his effort to attend the actual 2002 HFT. Hakmeng Kang's status for the tournament has been downgraded to doubtful as he doesn't think he'd be able to arrange transportation. Folks were hoping that Pat, who similarly lacks transportation, would be able to go with the former Varsity Swimmer if Hak was able to attend. Patrick has not given up however, saying "I really want to be there...I HAVE TO GO."

Conspiracy theorists would say Patrick is working for someone in trying to sabotage Jim's bid for the 2002 championship by causing him to lose sleep. Patrick and Jim were once again debating politics this time until 2:30 AM. Somehow the conversation went from higher education to immigration to Jozef Stalin. Jim is fearing that such sleep deprivation will get him sick right before the tournament this Saturday "From now on, I can't talk to Pat about politics past midnight. I know if we set a midnight deadline, by one am we'll wrap up our final thoughts."

Last night during the six day pregame show, Jimmy Tran refused to make any predictions. His namesake, Jim however was interviewed by Wilson and wouldn't stop talking. Wilson was heavily promoting the idea of a Madden 2003 tournament, although his idea of "whoever's leading after one quarter wins" is the biggest bullsh*t I ever heard. There certainly is a possibility although nothing has been arranged as of now.

The Julia Guila Ranking System III will act alone alongside the Gregpoll in determining the rankings for the 2002 Halloween Foosball Tournament. Due to time constraints, the CTHD System was dropped for this year and the proposed HFC Poll has also been put on hold.'s now reporting a 70% chance of rain for Saturday, with it supposed to occur throughout the whole morning and afternoon. Obviously field conditions and things of that nature will be game time decisions.

Poll Question:

Which 2001 winner would you most like to see lose in the first round of 2002?
Who is the best Halloween Foosball Champion of all time?
Greg '96, '97, '01
Corey '98, '00
Steve '99
They all suck and I'm gonna win this year!

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