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Ouellette Sweep? Maybe sweep the floor...Oh Dis!

For the past week or so we have been hearing a lot about the "Ouellette Sweep" that is supposedly going to happen at this upcoming event. But the fact of the matter is the Ouellette brothers are a couple of no talent ass-clowns (Steve is stealing your own words Greg oh dis). The only one of them to ever accomplish anything in the tournament is Greg. Keith hasn't accomplished jack shit in any year of the tournament but he seems to be the one whos talking crap. You also have to take into consideration that Keith is a freshman at LHS and you know how those freshmen are. If you think about the accomplishments of the Ouellette brothers vs. the Ostis brothers you will see that the Ostis brothers have accomplished more.

Every single year that we have had a foosball tournament at least 1 of the Ostis brothers made it to the finals. In '96 Jim made it, '97 Steve, '98 Nick, '99 Steve (Tournament victory), 2000 Steve, and in 2001 Jim. Another interesting point is that the only people to ever defeat "Humperdink" Corey Pinkham was Steve and Jim. As you are noticing Steve is speaking in the third person just like Keith did. But back to The Ostis brothers accomplishments. In 2001 The Ostis brothers led Mr. Cyrs whooped the shit out of the Greg led Greg Angel Yackadoodles (or simply known as GAY). Keith was also involved in that game but he was shut down by the awesome defense of the Mr. Cyrs. The only thing that has ever been accomplished by any member of the Ouellette brothers is Greg's 3 tournament victories. Two of those victories happened back early in the past and come on his first tournament victory he didn't even face the real finalist but instead faced Pat Casserly who we all know is not the greatest foosball player (Greg happened to beat him in the semi-finals before facing him again in the finals). So one of those tournament victories will always have an ******* next to it. As for Keith no need to waste time on him because he just flat out sucks. If a Ouellette sweep does occur then Steve will write an article apologizing to the Ouellettes. But until then to the King and Game of foosball Steve considers the Ouellettes are a couple of little cocksuckers like Kurt Warner.

OH DIS!!!!!

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