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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

LOWELL, MA- The 6th annual Halloween Foosball Tournament will be held on Saturday night, October 1, 2001. The announcement was made in a press conference this evening by James Ostis, Steven Ostis, and Greg Ouellette.

For the second year in a row, the tournament will be held in the cellar on Christian Hill. Already committed to attending are Jim, Steve, Greg, and Nick. But you can be sure that Corey Pinkham will be back to defend his 2000 Halloween Foosball championship. Check back here at Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes for news on all the competitors who will be there.

The press conference was mainly just trash-talking and Greg also said he wasn't going to talk to "globes" anymore.

One subject that was not touched upon at all in the press conference is the exciting new addition to the Halloween Foosball festivities this year. In addition to the famous original tournament, there is strong consideration being given to having a doubles tournament also being held. In August, the Halloween Foosball Committee voted 3-0 in favor of the new idea and its very likely that it will happen. Expect an official announcement as to how the doubles tournament will happen in the next few days.

In Other News :
Steve also was involved in a group activity in his Spanish class today that was brought to him by the letters O and B. Tram was in Steve's group but no one named Jeff was. Steve didn't do anything because his teacher said he didn't have to, but then he got a Pop-Up Quizito.

As for news actually related to the Halloween Foosball Tournament, there was quite a lot of training going on in the cellar tonight. Jim actually beat Greg 4 times in a row at one point in the evening, while the 2 time champ got his own share of victories.

Meanwhile Shail made an appearance in Mrs. Peter's class again this morning and once again promoted his plan to blow up the entire Middle East.

Speaking of Corey Pinkham, the Halloween Foosball Tournament champion of a year ago, rumors have it that he has been absent 7 times this year at the Voke, because he missed the bus.

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