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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Lots of news today. First, Corey Pinkham, speaking in front of the Bartlett Middle School, promised victory in the October 27th tournament. He later commented on other issues and said that he is worried Greg will stuff the ballot box for Lena in his 2nd round Online foosball Tournament match. Corey also said that James Higson's vote for Lena was nothing personal, but that "Higson always votes for girls" It is believed that of the 4 girls in the first round, Higson didn't vote for any of them.

Also outside the Bartlett today, Steve Cyr laughed when he was notified that he had recieved 100% of the vote in his match against Mrs. Miles. Many people believe the world's biggest three stooges fan may go through the Bartlett teachers' tournament getting 100% of the vote in every round.

An update on a story that we broke just yesterday. It seems now more and more likely that Greg is recieving special foosball tutelage....from Mrs. Peters! Rumors have been spread, and some have confirmed that Greg and Mrs. Peters were both at a Lowell High Soccer game last night. Greg was there to "watch his girlfriend play", while Mrs. Peters claims to "like to see the games". But more can be read into this as Soccer is a real life version of the game foosball, and its quite likely that Greg and Mrs. Peters were discussing strategy, technique, da-da-da-da-da-da-da, etchera, etchera. Whether this newfound alliance will bring success to the foosball field is another story. Mrs. Peters is not expected to attend the Halloween Foosball Tournament. The question of what is in it for her may have been answered, when she was reportedly asking Greg for a "hot tip" on football games. Gambling advice for foosball advice? More on this story as it develops.

Speaking of Greg, it is reported he is headed to UMass Amherst tomorrow. Jim is going to Emerson College on Saturday.

Jim asked Miss Almeida for a "lecomendation" today at the Bartlett Middle School, which was a definite center of activity this afternoon in the foosball world. Jim and Steve were accused of writing "Yankees" on Miss Almeida's board, while both of them have alibis. A second suspect, Davira has denied any role in it.

Also at the Bartlett today, "Hollywood" Sergio Maldonado got his hands on his football pictures...and took them. He then went on to show them off to teachers, students, and his girlfriend in his "Hollywood" BMW. Sergio was recently drafted in the Bartlett Fantasy Football Draft by the Stooges, the first ever directly Bartlett-related person drafted. He plays for the N.E.F.L.'s Nashua Predators.

In the tradition of the "Fantasy Baseball Notebook", the first ever official "Halloween Foosball book" was bought at Walgreens today. All the different aspects will hopefully be tied together in this book, with now only 10 days until the big tournament.

And finally, October 17th, is "Mr. Cyr Day" in the Halloween Foosball World. So thats cool.

Jon Casserly, the only person to compile an 0-4 record, asked this morning about the tournament. Will he be going for Loss #5 on the 27th, we'll just have to wait and see... The Legendary Chuck and Jon's brother, Patrick each have 5 losses, but both of them have wins in addition. Keith Ouellette tied Jon by losing his 4th straight game in 2000 (he beat Gina in his first match and hasn't won since).

Corey and Steve may not be facing eachother in Hockey because of something with the Boys Club, but, Steve definitely wants to go bowling with his health teacher, Mr. Mellonakos. "Hell yes" Steve was quoted as saying.

While James Higson has been having trouble deciding who to be for Halloween, there have been some rumors as to what Jim and Steve are going to do. With Corey now saying he will be the "wassup guy" instead of the Great Silent Bob, it'd kinda be stupid for Steve to be Jay without a Silent Bob. For that reason, reports have indicated Steve may go to Halloween dressed as Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York. Jim is considering buying a President George W. Bush mask and wearing his "bin Laden sucks" t-shirt. That t-shirt by the way raised a few eyebrows at the last CPC meeting.

Thats all for now, check back later for all the latest on the Halloween Foosball Tournament.

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