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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes


"The Voting War" has been declared. Wilson Rith caused quite an uproar with his stuffing of the ballot box in round 2 of the Halloween Foosball Online Tournament. Wilson recieved votes from many people from outside the Halloween Foosball World. Not only were the voters unqualified, but they only voted in the two games that Wilson asked them to, his match against Steve, and the game betweenJim and Sothey.

"Wilson's cousin Bophal", "Kate Bisantz", "Sichan", "Chanh", "Christine", "Stan", and "Amy" are among the names of people Wilson claims to have voted for them. Among them only Sichan (1998) has ever attended a Halloween Foosball Tournament, and most of those voters only voted in Wilson's game and the Sothey/Jim game, proving they were greatly influenced by Wilson's "unethical practices".

Jim and Steve, however have not given up. In fact Jim said that Wilson screwed himself by dragging the Sothey/Jim game into all of this. "First of all, I know Sothey is an honorable guy and he is no cheater, and Sothey is not an enemy of us. Sothey is the Afhgan people, Wilson is the Taliban."

"Vote-stuffers, and anyone who aides and assists them are the enemy of the Halloween Foosball Committee"

Those strong words were backed with strong action as Jim struck back this morning. He issued a decision that Wilson was permanently disbarred from practicing law in the Halloween Foosball Court. For those who don't remember, Wilson won the infamous Humperdink Trial court case last year. That decision was unamiously approved.

Then Jim, "the master of Immature Warfare" successfully threw a "ball" of crumpled paper at Wilson during Mrs. Peters' class. Wilson missed when he threw it back, hitting Greg like a Clinton-fired missle (see Embassy, Chinese). Both were scolded, but Jim believes he claimed victory in that exchange. Later in the afternoon, the real battle began.

Getting some real voters to pitch in, Greg, Keith and Nicky have already voted, and more will follow. Jim adds while some future foosballers like Bona may vote, "We don't need to stoop to his level. We will search wide and far for qualified voters." In fact with the midnight deadline approaching, Jim is very confident that tomorrow morning, "Wilson will not win."

Mrs. Peters called them both childish and wondered whether she was teaching kindergarten. Steve actually walked up and down the hallways, considering attacking Wilson from the hallway.

The Halloween Foosball Committee is reportedly seriously considering holding the Halloween Foosball Court for a second year in a row. Wilson if he chooses to appeal the disbarment would be allowed to represent himself against the HFC infront of the "Overseer" Hon. Judge Nales, or one of his lackeys, i mean associates. That is Wilson's choice, although in the war of words, he stated he "will not attend the Foosball Tournament unless the decision is reversed."

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