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The Halloween Foosball Interview

Recently I sat down and interviewed James Higson, the infamous James Higson who's known for his goldfish throwing and involvement in Team Steve.

We discussed a variety of topics ranging from "The Big Game", his siblings, and the Humperdink Court Saga from a year ago.

J. Higson: hey
J. Ostis: hey
J. Ostis: Would you like to be the subject of the Halloween Foosball Interview?
J. Higson: sure  
J. Ostis: Ok, cool....Well, lets do it....
J. Higson: ok  
J. Ostis: Hello James Higson, thank for you allowing us the oppurtunity to speak to you
J. Higson: ur welcome  
J. Ostis: Lets start with the big question, who do you think will win the 6th annual Halloween Foosball Tournament?
J. Higson: well i think it may be steve  
J. Higson: with me on his side he cant help but win
J. Ostis: Interesting.  How do you see yourself doing?  Is this the year you pick up your first win?
J. Higson: well  
J. Higson: i see myself winning one  
J. Ostis: You've already won two matches in the Virtual Halloween Foosball Tournament, and did so by shut out each time.  How do you feel about that?
J. Higson: well i feel like i have the respect of the voters  
J. Ostis: How about your 3rd round match against Steve?  Do you think you'll pull it off?
J. Higson: its gonna be hard but i hope i can get through it on top and if i dont its ok cuz i have alot of respect for steven   
J. Ostis: Is there someone you don't have respect for, namely 1998&2000 champion, Corey "Humperdink" Pinkham
J. Higson: yes
J. Ostis: why don't you respect humperdink?
J. Higson: well he called me really bad names and it hurt my feelings  
J. Ostis: Editor's note: Corey in 1999: "Fucking James Man, He's a fucking bitch"
J. Higson: exactly  
J. Ostis: besides your obvious rivalry with Corey, a lot of people are wondering what is going to happen when you come face to face with the GM of the ELLD, Lena...
J. Higson: well ive talked with lena and nothing is gonna happin  
J. Ostis: The problems have been smoothed over?
J. Ostis: let me ask you...Who is the real mind behind the ELLD?
J. Higson: no comment  
J. Ostis: Ok, well changing gears, are you planning to take part in "The Big Game"?
J. Higson: more specific  
J. Ostis: Angel's Football game
J. Ostis: at 3:00 pm
J. Ostis: saturday
J. Higson: this saturday
J. Ostis: the same day as the Halloween Foosball Tournament
J. Higson: o
J. Higson: yes
J. Ostis: Do you think Angel and Greg should be banned from playing on the same team due to dominance?
J. Higson: id never give up a chance to play football
J. Higson: no
J. Ostis: If you were a captain, who would your first draft pick be?
J. Higson: probably greg or steve
J. Ostis: What position would they play?
J. Higson: wide
J. Ostis: and you?
J. Higson: qb hopefully  
J. Ostis: Despite two first round losses, you've played a major role in the Halloween Foosball Tournament, what are you personally most proud of?
J. Higson: losing  the championship for corey
J. Ostis: In the past, you've had other members of your family attend the Halloween Foosball Tournament in 1997 and 2000, will any brothers or sisters be in attendance this year?
J. Higson: no
J. Ostis: not even Joey?
J. Higson: no
J. Higson: he was a ONE year thing  
J. Ostis: and he whipped Greg's ass bad that year
J. Higson: how so  
J. Ostis: by scoring the first goal
J. Higson: o
J. Ostis: how do you feel about Wilson's recent stuffing of the ballot box.
J. Higson: i think its stupid no offense  
J. Ostis: are you proud of the 15 voters, yourself included, who saved Steve?
J. Higson: yes
J. Ostis: Do you see Irony in the fact that Corey agreed with the 5 people who sued him for sexual harrassment (yourself included) and their lawyer and voted against his own lawyer who saved his ass.
J. Higson: no comment  
J. Ostis: how do you feel about the Humperdink Court Case a year later?
J. Ostis: Do you think he's guilty?
J. Higson: yes  
J. Ostis: Do you think the Honorable Judge Nales did a shitty job?
J. Higson: no
J. Ostis: but he was wrong in his judgement?
J. Higson: yes
J. Ostis: Has Humperdink4386 harassed you continously over these past 12 months?
J. Higson: no  
J. Ostis: so you're sure about that siblings thing, huh?
J. Higson: yes
J. Ostis: Pat & Jon, should they come back or not, in your opinion?
J. Higson: yes they should  
J. Ostis: Would you like to be a QB passing to Angel, Steve, and Pat as your recievers?
J. Higson: yes  
J. Ostis: how about Donald?  How do you feel about him, who is still afraid to attend a HFT because someone's mom will rip his mask off?  How do you feel about him coming out of hiding and being part of the 15 heroes?
J. Higson: what?  
J. Ostis: nevermind....
J. Ostis: Lets play word association...
J. Higson: ok
J. Ostis: Corey.
J. Higson: punk  
J. Ostis: Lena.
J. Higson: cool  
J. Ostis: Angel.
J. Higson: tall  
J. Ostis: Steve
J. Higson: awesome
J. Ostis: Mel Gibson
J. Higson: braveheart
J. Ostis: Greg
J. Higson: cool
J. Ostis: Joey
J. Higson: my brother  
J. Ostis: Jim(me)
J. Higson: leader  
J. Ostis: Jim(you)
J. Higson: winner  
J. Ostis: Chuck
J. Higson: lol
J. Higson: sara  
J. Ostis: people who fart a lot.
J. Higson: nasty  
J. Ostis: Gina
J. Higson: small
J. Ostis: Wilson
J. Higson: no comment  
J. Ostis: Champion.
J. Higson: jim  
J. Ostis: Yes!
J. Ostis: Yankees...
J. Higson: sux  
J. Ostis: Linda Almeida
J. Higson: yankees
J. Ostis: Steve Cyr
J. Higson: awesome  
J. Ostis: ok...and the last word association, Halloween Foosball 2001
J. Higson: great
J. Ostis: ok....continuing with the interview, do you think the table should be all oily like Greg does?
J. Higson: no  
J. Ostis: World Series prediction?
J. Higson: arizona  
J. Ostis: over who in how many?
J. Higson: seattle  
J. Higson: by 3  
J. Ostis: ok...
J. Ostis: Best movie of 2001?
J. Higson: i dont know  
J. Ostis: Did you watch the Lowell High/Chelmsford High game?
J. Higson: no
J. Ostis: How about the Gryphons, you like them?
J. Higson: hell ya  
J. Ostis: What will you be for Halloween?
J. Higson: im not sure
J. Higson: im might just were red white and blue  
J. Higson: and paint my face  
J. Ostis: do you think Corey should be Silent Bob or "the wasssup Guy"
J. Higson: no
J. Higson: none  
J. Ostis: whoa....
J. Ostis: why not?
J. Higson: no commeny  
J. Ostis: What do you think about this story:...
J. Higson: wat?
J. Ostis: During the summer, Corey came over, he didn't have a swimsuit, so he wore yours which is still here.
J. Higson: wat  
J. Higson: hes dead  
J. Ostis: Is revenge in store?
J. Higson: wait till the football game  
J. Ostis: ok
J. Ostis: Who's going to win tonight?  Angle, Stonecold, or RVD?
J. Higson: i dont care  
J. Ostis: Who is going to lose?
J. Higson: i dont care  
J. Ostis: What do you care about? Care Bears?
J. Higson: noi  
J. Higson: no  
J. Higson: hey i g2g ill ttyl
J. Ostis: last Question,
J. Ostis: please?
J. Higson: ok  
J. Ostis: how do you feel about being an American and knowing you're free?
J. Higson: ggggggggggggggrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttt
J. Higson: bye autographs later  
J. Ostis: Come on, just sing it once...
J. Higson: cuz im proud to be an american were at least i know im free
J. Ostis: YES!  Thank you very much for your time.
J. Higson: ur welcome  
J. Higson: bye  

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