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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Here are the news and notes for Wednesday morning, October 11, 2000.

The Lockin did stir some things up in the foosball tournament as Greg, fearing that Jim would come through on his promise to finally win the tournament, kicked Jim in the elbow in an obvious attack meant to hurt his foosball skills. Thankfully, Jim is ok, and the injury will not interfere in his training at all. Greg also started working on a ramblings-type column to hopefully be finished and put up on the site soon this week. He also responded to Steve's column by saying that Steve's wrong.

James Higson was in attendence and recieved encouragement, Greg said that it must have been hard for James to live with himself the past few months after a humiliating loss to Patrick Casserly. But James has reportedly been training hard and is expected to have goldfish in his possesion October 28.

As for the site itself, I'm going to put up a few more polls and start working on the stats and curses section...that should be up by the end of the week. Also I have that column "Lucky" on tap, but it may end up more of a complete look back at '99 as opposed to simply the story of how Steve became the luckiest man on earth on that October night.

Rumors have been speculating that October 28th will not only be the Halloween Foosball Tournament, but also a huge sporting extraveganza... Angel has been setting up a football game, and sources say Jim is hoping that he, Steve, Greg, and Corey can get their acts together and hold the championship of the famous A-S baseball tournament on that game. Possibly the final four or final 8. That all depends on the weeks to come, though. As always the online home of the Halloween Foosball Tournament will keep you updated.

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