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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Here are the news and notes for Saturday, October 21, 2000.

The 5th annual Halloween Foosball Tournament is only one week away!!! And will have all the coverage you can ask for. As for the past week, well I apologize, but expect daily updates from now on up until October 28, where we will have coverage of the entire day's events.

For the 4th straight year, the foosball table has been moved. While the move from 97 to 98 was only a mere matter of feet....and the move from 98 was much greater (across the city)..this move is somewhere in the middle. The Halloween Foosball Tournament has been moved to the new "Fleet"Cellar. The cellar is more spacious and should provide an even greater atmosphere for one of the annual mega-events.

I'd also like to thank the offical sponsers of the Halloween Foosball Tournament 2000. They are Bartlett Fantasy Sports, The World Foosball Federation, and the feature film scheduled for release in 2001, Wrestling Alligators

Burger King may not be a sponser of the tournament, but it has been a place to find many of the torunament's stars. After taking the PSAT's at Lowell High School today, former champion Greg Ouellette, four-time Final 4 participant James Ostis, and expected newcomer, Lena Mendonca, all headed to the downtown Burger King, following the famous "Foosball Players' Diet". (for the record, Greg had a #1 with Dr. Pepper and French Fries, Lena had a 5 piece chicken tenders and water, Jim bought an 8 piece chicken tender, large frie, and large Surge.) The real shocker came however, when none other than Big Story Corey Humperdink Pinkham walked in with a fishing rod!!! Corey did not eat, nor did he pose with the BK Big Fish Meal, as he had been asked to, however, he did say he was ready for the tournament a week from tonight.

New pictures, new articles, stats, previews, expect them all, as the online home of the Halloween Foosball Tournament will be updated a wicked lot over the next 7 days and afterwards. This is the most anticipated Halloween Foosball Tournament of alltime and it could also turn out to be the greatest too. And we'll be here every step of the way.

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