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Halloween Foosball News 'N Notes

Here are the news and notes for Friday October 27, 2000.

Tons of news tonight, on the eve of the fifth annual Halloween Foosball Tournament, since there was no update last night...sorry...

The Big Story, pardon the pun, has been the Humperdink situation concering former champion, Corey Pinkham. It seems all of Halloween Foosball's biggest stars are coming out to get involved in the case. There was some new news on it today which you can read in the Humperdink Update...for those of you who don't know whats can find out the whole story of why Humperdink's in trouble

Thursday afternoon, two Foosball competitors went to birthplace of champions, the Bartlett Middle School on Wannalancit Street in Lowell. They were, (big surprise) James Ostis and Steven Ostis. They visited with Linda Almeida who some believe cna have an affect on competitors. Greg's first loss occured days after he was caught writing on Miss Almeida's chalkboard and thrown out. Some believe Greg has never healed from that.

Greg Ouellette is at the scene as massive preparations and last minute stuff is being taken care of for tomorrow's big event(s). James Higson made a surprise brief appearance too. Greg also filmed an informative interview segment. The first of what is sure to be many interviews this weekend, Greg discussed many topics of interest. On the Foosball Tournament, he said he would win. He respects almost all foosball players ezcept Pat and Jon. He is picking Ralph Nader for president of the United States. He picked "Lowell 27, Metheun 13" (The final was Lowell 34, Metheun 14). And he also discussed the recent Humperdink situation...and said he's focused on the tournament 100%.

Lizzy Luu could not attend this year's festivities, unfortunately, but she did offer a prediction for this year's Halloween Foosball Tournament.

"Jim will rise above the competition and crush his opponents, claiming a victory well earned...haha, doesn't that sound funny..u wanna know who i think is gonna win?!?!..JIM!!"

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