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Halloween Foosball Rivalries

The Halloween Foosball Tournament is gearing up for its fifth year. Through the first four years, as expected, several intense rivalries have started up. here is a look at some of the bigger ones.

Greg vs. Corey: This is a matter of ego. Greg owned the Halloween Foosball Tournament in 1996 and 1997, with only one game even causing Greg to break a sweat (a one point victory over Billy in the 97 semi's). In 1998, Greg was well on his way towards a threepeat when the ultimate shocker happened. Greg lost. To Corey. Corey was a virtual unkown outside the Bartlett Class of 2000, and his foosball skills were never known. After the victory over Greg, Corey went on to claim his first foosball title, doing something Greg could never do...winning 4 games in one night. Greg called it a fluke, but Corey continued his winning ways into 1999. Greg lost again, this time to Steve, and actually then joined forces with Steve as his trainer to prevent Corey from matching Greg's records of 8 wins in a row and 2 championships. Corey may have lost, but the rivalry between Greg and him was just begining. In 2001, Corey again met Steve in the finals and thsi time beat him, giving each of them 2 championships a piece. 2001 was shaping up to be the long awaited match between the two after Greg defeated Steve to go to the finals, however Jim shocked the world by beating Corey. Greg went on to capture his third foosball championship but there is one thing he's never been able to do, and that is defeat Corey Pinkham.

Jim vs. Greg this was a matchup six years in the making...The two founders of the tournament were supposed to meet in 1996, but never did. Then claims that they would in the years that followed never came to life....until 2001. Jim and Greg faced off in a memorable finals matchup which saw Greg capture his third foosball championship. Does the fact that they finally faced eachother take away from their rivalry? Probably not, as Jim will be looking for revenge in 2002.

Jim vs. Angel They faced eachother two years in a row and both times it was an emotional affair. In 1998, Jim and Angel met in the second round in a very controversial game. Angel got off to an early lead, but there has to be questions about how much of that was on his own, because contast interference from first round loser Patrick Casserly continued until the point when a full scale riot had to occur, leading to Angel chasing Patrick out in an angry mob. The match ended with a Jim comeback and a handshake from the two opponents. Then in 1999, the match happened again. Howvere this time, it came weeks after Angel's Yankees had screwed Jim's Red Sox in the ALCS and won the World Series. Jim tried to gain some revenge for the Red Sox in that game defeating Angel and dedicating the victory to the Olde Towne Team.

Steve vs. Greg This is quite possibly the greatest rivalry in Halloween Foosball Tournament history. It all started back in 1996, where Greg beat Steve in the first game in Halloween Foosball Tournament history. They would meet again in 1997, in the finals, in front of a wild pro-Steve crowd, and Greg beat him again. After no head to head meetings in 1998 (steve lost to nicky, corey beat greg), they met once again in 1999. This time, however Steve came out on top en route to his first ever Halloween Foosball Tournament championship. After the loss, Greg would join forces with Steve, becoming his trainer for the finals matchup against Corey. Although Greg held Steve's hand up as the winner that evening, the next year they were adversaries again. In 2000, Steve beat Greg for a second straight time, en route to his second straight finals appearance, which Steve would lose to Corey. 2001 Greg finally snapped Steve's momentum, beating him in the semi-finals and going onto win the championship. In 6 years, they have met 5 times, with Greg holding a 3-2 advantage.

Nicky vs. Angela You'd have to ask Nicky, he said "OOOOOOOOOHHHH" before the match.

Greg vs. Patrick Cartwheels, stained coats, deceased pets, gay comments, punches leading to suspensions....the list goes on, but its not really a foosball rivalry, although Greg beat Pat back in 1996, twice.

Jim vs. Patrick in addition to the previously mentioned interference in 1998, Jim also had a score to settle with Patrick back in 1997, when he dedicated his perfomance to all the cats that Patrick had insulted prior to the tournament.

Steve vs. Corey It started as more of a friendly rivalry, these are just two of the premier Foosball players in the BMS class of 2000. However, two straight finals matchups against eachother has given the rivalry a new feeling. Despite being rivals, however, Corey and Steve teamed up to capture the 2001 doubles championship.

James Higson (w/ goldfish) vs. Corey : perhaps no other rivalry will attract the attention of viewers this year than the budding one between Corey and James Higson. Higson, many believe, cost Corey the game vs. Steve in the '99 finals with his gold fish throwing exhibition. Corey definitely does, explaining his loss by remarking : "F***ing James man, he's a F***ing B***h!"

History through the years