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The 1999 Halloween Foosball Tournament

On October 30, 1999, The Fourth annual Halloween Foosball Tournament was held in a new location. After spending its first three years in The Barn, it moved to Centralville. It was also the first time since 1996 that Greg entered the tournament not as the defending champion. Corey was also back in the house, looking to defend his Halloween Foosball Tournament. Jim was looking to put a three year curse behind him. Nicky wanted to bring back his "flutie magic" from 1998. And I heard Steve was in this tournament too or something........ Greg, Jim, Corey, Steve, Pat, Jon, Nicky, Keith, Gina, Wilson, Angel, Day Care Champion Chris, James Higson, Angela, and the now officially one and only legendary Chuck. The first round matches were as follows:
Greg vs. Jon
Chuck vs. Keith
Steve vs. Nick L.
Nick vs. Angela OOOOOHHHHH
Wilson vs. Jim
Angel vs. Day Care Chris
Pat vs. James Higson
Corey vs. Gina

first round: Steve lucked out big time, getting a bye despite his #4 ranking, he got a bye when Nick L. disapeared and no new suitable replacement was found. With Steve already in the second round, the tournament started off with a game between Keith and The Legendary Chuck. Chuck did most of the scoing, however they went into his own goal and Keith got off to an early 4-0 lead. But Chuck held on and ended up getting the comeback victory and a spot in the second round vs. whoever would win between Greg and Jon.... Nick, fresh off his impressive 1998 perfomance faced and defeated Angela. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH.. Jim beat Wilson in a game. Corey defeated Gina despite Greg's promise that his sister would win. Greg beat Jon of course you dumbass. Patrick also did something to prove his doubters wrong (well maybe....) Pat beat someone other than his brother. The catch was James Higson. So Patrick won. No one expected that. But the highlight of the first round was the match between "The Big Pimp" Angeluis Nales and his opponent, "The Day Care Champion" Chris. Angel was probably 2 and a half feet taller and outweighed him by a good 150+ pounds. Angel got off to an early lead of 4-1, but Chris showed what the Day Care Foosball World already knew and came within millimeters of beating Angel 5-4....but Angel ended up winning and facing Jim in the second round.

second round: Greg continued on his search for a third foosball championship by doing what he seemingly does best, beating Chuck in the Halloween Foosball Tournament. Steve ended the younger-brother-Ostis thing by exacting some revenge on Nicky and ending his brother's hope of a return trip to the finals. Footage was shown from the post-tournament show in 1998, where Patrick asked "What's worse? Losing in the first round to Sothey..or losing in this important game to Nicky or the goofy kid with the hat" Corey proved he wasn't just a goofy kid with a hat by shutting that dummy out and proving that Pat sucks. Jim and Angel had another emotional battle, this time howvere Pat stayed away and the match focused on baseball. Red Sox and Yankees. And Jim representing Nomar, Pedro, Valentin, Mercker....etc. against the Yankee Fan Angel. The Good Guy won and Jim was on his way to the semi's while Angel was just as big as one (semi-truck, haha get it?) semi-finals: Corey further added to his argument that he's for real and not a fluke, by beating Jim, ensuring that the Curse of the '96 Series would live on for at least one more year. But for Corey it set up a possible rematch against Greg where Corey could prove that He is the Big Story. But that didn't quite work out, as Steve, still fresh from his bye in round one, upset Greg for the first time in three meetings, and ensure his second trip to the finals in three years. It also made Steve the only person to beat everybody he faced. Steve won mainly because of his entrance to the match where he reprsied his famous Ptolemy role from the cult-hit "Science Night Live"

The championship: Afetr the semi-finals Greg joined James Higson on Team Steve. Greg bumped Higson down to cut-man as he took over as Steve's trainer/coach. Steve also had the fans on his side, which in the three years that preceded was not that good...Nicky was the fan favorite over Corey in 1998, Steve over Greg in 1997, and believe it or not....if you watch the tape, Pat had equal if not more support than Greg from the audience during the very very controversial '96 finals. Back to 1999. Steve was introduced along with his posse, to rousing ovation. Corey was then introduced to a chorus of boo's and a fistful of goldfish. That trend would continue as Steve kept getting cheered and Corey kept getting Goldfish thrown at him courtesy of James Higson. Steve won the match and in the aftermath Sorey remarked "F**king James, He's a F**king B***h"

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