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Shhh....don't let the secret out. Don't let them know that I got:
my sleeves

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  I would like to take a minute to welcome you all to my site, Or I guess I should call it your site, as that is the purpose of it. The reason I started this site is to give magicians (of all levels) around the globe a chance to meet, talk, and share ideas and thoughts about the magic community. So please look around, everything on this site is free so spend some time and have some fun....
  To get started  click on one of the icons on the right and prepare to delve into the various realms of magic: From close-up to huge stage productions, I hope all who pass can find something that will catch their interest and possibly even teach them a thing or two. Enjoy....
Erik M. Grubb

Wanna learn more about me?? Then come inside and we will form bonds tighter than a 1970's basketball uniform. Also a way to get your profile on the web...For FREE, check it out.

Enter here to read notes posted by other magicians or post one yourself. Also available is a chat room where one and all can share insights.

Magicland: If you like magic, you gotta check this site out. Chock full of tricks(beginner through expert), lots of magicians and an open forum. The site is put together well and is one of the best I have found so far...good job guys!

Hey, got questions, suggestions, or all around nonsense for me?? Or if you wanna be kept updated on new additions to this site...then drop me a line at: