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~*Miss Mal's Homepage*~
Welcome to Westbubble

~* God Bless America *~

Welcome to my website!! I'm Mallory and I live in a suburb of Boston called Westborough (affectionately dubbed "Westbubble", "Westboring", or "The Bubble" by the residents.) We're definetly the level of hell that Dante forgot to chronicle. I mean, we'd be cow-tipping if the yuppie scum hadn't overrun the farms with monstrous houses and SUVs!. There is SO nothing to do in this place that the ever cholesterol-inducing and omnipotent Denny's -- if we had one! -- would probably close at 9 p.m.

"And the people sat down to eat and to drink and rose up to play." ~Exodus 32:6

Regardless of the morbid fact that I live in Westbumblefuck USA, I love all my friends, I love my family (there are definetly the days...) and my school -- although dusty and knocked down and regurgitated -- is actually a great place. Junior year is hard as hell, but what do you expect? I'm 17, I'm not supposed to sleep anymore...

So this is my site, its a little toned-down from the honkin' hot pink one I had before. Take a look around, check out the new things, mourn the lost pages, and have a wonderful day!!

If any of these links don't work, please email me and tell me so!

"Le sourire que tu envoies revient vers toi."
Smile: it will come right back to you.

Top 10 Reasons for Being a Soprano:
1) The rest of the choir exists just to make you look good.
2) You can entertain your friends by breaking their wine glasses.
3) Can you name an opera where an alto got the man?
4) When sopranos want to sing in the shower, they know the tune.
5) It's not like you are ever going to sing the alto part by accident.
6) Great costumes -- like the hat with the horns on it.
7) How many world famous altos can you name?
8) When the fat lady sings, she's usually singing soprano.
9) When you get tired of singing the tune, you can sing the descant.
10) You can sing along with Michael Jackson.

*Memorable Moments from my Favorite Movies*
Patrick: Well, maybe not, but I'm sure you've thought about me naked.
Kat: Am I that transparent? I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby...
ugh, what is it, Asshole Day?
~10 Things I Hate About You

Lena: No one makes a fool outta me! No one makes a laughing stock outta Lena Lamont!! Why... why, I make more money than... than Calvin Coolidge!! PUT TOGETHER!!!
~Singin' In The Rain

Inigo: My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
~The Princess Bride

Lenny: Hey Skitch.... how did we get here?!?!?!?
Guy: I led you here, for I am Sparticus.
~That Thing You Do!

Sebastian: You are aware of what we're about to do.
Kathryn: I'm aware.
Sebastian: You amaze me...
Kathryn: Eat me, Sebastian. It's ok for guys like you and Cort to fuck around, but when I do, I get dumped for innocent little twits like Cecile. God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex! Do you think I relish the fact that I have to act like Mary Sunshine twenty-four seven to be considered a lady? I'm the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side and sometimes I want to kill myself. There's your psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud. Now tell me, are you in or are you out?
~Cruel Intentions

HEY!!! Will you sign the God damned guest book???

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*click away!*

*The Real World : NICE*
*prayer of responsibility for children*
*kathryn o'rourke @ WTC*
*whs student council*
*sam's europe pictures*
*random thoughts*
