How YOU Can Help Us

Writing, Poetry, Photos, Recipes..We'll take it all!

MHB has grown in size and popularity in recent months. As a result, our site has expanded greatly, and many people have emailed looking for ways to either help us or have their work published. Well, now there is a way...

MHB has now opened its doors to your work. We will accept columns, advice, pictures, essays, information, poetry, horse treat recipes, anything, and publish it on the site. This is a great way for you to:
-Get your work "out there"
-Help other horse-crazy people
-Make people aware of issues that are important to you
-Share ideas and get new ideas
-Help a website that is dedicated to you, the web surfers and your horses

So, basically, we'll accept anything. Here's how to contribute: First, make sure that whatever you send in is edited and is what you wish to be the final copy (*For pictures or photos, please, if possible, send them in an already uploaded form; .gif, .jpg, etc). Second, email it to us! Click here to submit something now! Lastly, check back here to see if what you've submitted has been used (we plan to make a list of all people who contribute). Plus, to help those of you who have websites of your own, we will give you a free link on your main page if we use one of your things. Thanks!

Please Note
MHB reserves the right to edit and/or remove sections of whatever is sent in to us. Photos, writings, etc., that are shown on this site must be appropriate (i.e. kid-safe), and must also have something to do with horses or animals.