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This Page is far from finished.

Warning: thoughts from a white, Protestant male.

May not be suitable for the common-sense deficient.


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Well, now that's out of the way, here's my thoughts on today's liberalism.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that I am a Republican. I'm not. As Pat Buchannan said:
"I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me."
That sums up how I feel.


To be honest, I don't see much (if any) difference between Democrats and Republicans. The
Republican cowardice in the Senate during the impeachment trial (or their willingness to
allow a traitor and deviant to stay in office so Algore can't run as an incumbent
president) AND the sellout of American blue-collar workers (which I proudly am) with their
votes for PNTR show one thing;
They were more concerned with their legalized bribes (contributions?) from corporate
(America?) than the people and Constitution they are supposed to serve.


I won't place ALL self-proclaimed liberals in the same socialist sewer. There are some who

are well meaning and hold to the pre-sixties ideal of liberalism (not progressive ideology),

BUT the current leadership of this ideology/movement has been subverted by the ideology of

a failed economic system. Namely communism and the Utopian illusion of "egalitarianism."


Now don't get me wrong. I FIRMLY believe in the concept of "blind justice" and equality

under the law. That's why "hate-crimes legislation" and "political-correctness" are a threat

to the rule of law that the left used SOOOOOO much in their defense of the traitor sitting in

the oval office. If the "rule of law" is so important to them, why do they advocate one

set of punishments for one group of people and a different set for another?

Name one; Klinton, OJ Simpson, Gary Graham.

If Graham was white what do you think would have happened?

That's right, he would have got juiced without notice.

As a white male, if I was on PCP and told a cop to screw off and resisted arrest, I would

have gotten my tail beat by just as many cops as Rodney King.

And you know nothing would have been done.

If you look at Richard Nixon, Klinton actually makes him look good. Wonder where the

White House tapes are?

Who in America would advocate one set of punishments for royalty AND another set for

the everyday people?


While Hammarabi's code (see laws 196-205) is important for its context in history, it is not

one WE THE PEOPLE and our Founding Fathers wanted to emulate in our

justice system. Hammarabi's law 202 is really what today's liberal left is aiming for. The

"egalitarian" system they, and with Republican assistance, are aiming for is one to keep the

"great unwashed masses" in their place and secure their positions of power.

As Patrick "Patches" Kennedy is so fond of saying when not getting his way; "Do you know

who I am?!" At least one airport security guard knows.



Punishing the Innocent


Are children held criminally liable for the crimes committed by their fathers or mothers?

Would you approve of making children pay monetary fines or force jail time on them

because their fathers broke the law?

Yet why do we allow the left in America to criminalize and punish children of "european

decent" for the alleged and actual crimes of their fore-fathers long dead?

Do we put EVERY GERMAN on trial at Nuremberg for the atrocities committed by their

fathers and mothers? Hang them all?

Sometimes the crimes of the past can only be judged by GOD. It is up to WE THE PEOPLE

to remember the past and avoid the mistakes. That is the obligation and inheritance of the


To heed the lessons of ghosts.


What is the real reason for this attack on American history?

I have thought of this many times. Watch any talking head program on CBS, NBC, ABC and

CNN and you'll see the same theme. To make the children (especially of european decent)

feel guilty and ashamed of their heritage. It is my belief that the purpose of this attack is to

make future generations actively reject and wish to change the system our nation was



There is an EXCELLENT essay on critical theory/cultural marxism that will give you an
insight into today's liberal mindset. My experience in Sociology 101 (taken last semester)
was enough to make me ill. I only wish I had read this essay BEFORE I took the class.
Please take the time to read it. It's long BUT informative.
Lets look at one issue; Abortion.
When Gary Graham was executed the liberals pushed for a moratorium on the death
penalty. Their reason? Innocent people may be getting killed........... A valid concern.
Yet their response to the Supreme Courts ruling on a State's ban on partial birth abortion?
A victory for the right to choose. (HUH????????????)
So if I choose to cut open the neck of an unwanted guest, suck out their brains and
dismember them, isn't that MY right to choose?
Again don't be mistaken into thinking I'm some sort of rabid anti-abortion
type. If the pregnancy will cause a woman to die or (and these two make me uneasy. The
child should NEVER be held responsible for the sins of the father, but I can understand the
implications for the mother.) rape and incest.




When is a human fully human?.......... When we can talk?............... How about when we
become useful, productive members of society?.... When we can survive without our



My Answer!
With all this adulation with DNA by the left, how about if we classify that which is being
aborted/killed as HUMAN if it is composed of HUMAN DNA?
That should clear up any confusion as to whether an organism to be aborted is human or
not, and as such, has rights under our Constitution to LIFE, LIBERTY and HAPPINESS.
NON-PERSONS WITH NO RIGHTS AT ALL. ............Life unworthy of life?

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and every slave-owner of the past would be


Today's liberals would have given all these men the justification for their



"It's For The Children"

Every Communist takeover has been preceded by words similar to these. The idea of

taking from those who have and give to those who don't. It sounds admirable, but the

palacious dachas on the black sea showed otherwise. The children of politburo members in

China dancing at discos while the everyday person rides his bicycle (think environmentalists)

and live a very modest lifestyle show otherwise.


The problem is; who decides who gets what?

What liberals today want is a pre-biblical (no I'm not a religious wacko) interpretation of

law. And why not? The actions of those who advocated and implemented collective rights

(Stalin, Hitler, Moa Tse Tung, Pol Pot ) over individual rights (John Locke, Benjamin

Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Jame Madison, Patrick Henry, Samuel

Adams, Richard Henry Lee) have left an uncounted mound of dead.

The law as they would practice would shield them from the repercussions of their actions.

"We did it for the good of the people."

Unfortunately, it was and is, the "people" that pay the price.

It is interesting to note which type of "rights" and its advocates bring about true peace and

happiness for its people.

And to those followers who are led to the slaughter.

255\green255\blue0;} \uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\cf1\ulnone\f0 "Those people who will not be governed by God will be ."\line


"Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure (and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments."

- Charles Carroll

(signer of the Declaration of Independence)



"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.

- Thomas Jefferson


Again, It interesting to note the present attack on religion in America......Especially Christianity.

If I see a Star of David displayed in public, or a crescent moon, in no way do I feel threatened.

For all those who would say;

"but the Constitution says separation of church and state."

My answer is; it's separation of church and state NOT CHURCH FROM STATE.

What do you think would happen if you tried to display YOUR beliefs in Israel or

any muslim country?

If you have never been to the middle east you are a fool to think THEY would entertain you.

I'm quite sure every liberal would cry if America was to fully adopt the societal beliefs of

cultures whose beliefs are "threatened" by displays of Christianity.

Women are executed for adultery in muslim countries. Yeah I could see every liberal women wanting

to incorporate THAT into American justice.

Minority religions, like the Palestinians in Israel, being consigned to second class citizens.

Yet which major religion has voiced concern with displays of Christianity here in America?

How about minority sects in the United States, like atheists, who demand the abolition of Christianity

in public? (note: only Christianity. Otherwise they may look like bigots to their liberal colleagues.)

You think the Imams would sit still for that in Saudi Arabia?

I can assure you they would have your head!

America was based on religious tolerance, BUT not a religious vacuum.

Protestant Christianity is the religious base of our Constitution and culture.

Tell me which non-Protestant nation affords the religious tolerance of America?

Ireland? France? Kuwait? India? or how about Israel? or Japan?

Yet in the name of "diversity" America must arrest the ONE belief structure that gave rise to this

tolerance of diversity.....Which grew from the diversity of Protestantism.

Are we safe to assume this same tolerance will remain when Christianity is no longer present?

It seems clear to me that balkanization and tyranny will be our inheritance.


"Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.

- William Penn


"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other."

- John Adams, Oct. 11, 1798


Even the past tells us of our future.

We think today that we are paving new ground, that the past can not help us, that "this is the '90's,"

but I remember a quote, though I can't remember who said it; "I have no way of judging the future,

but by the past."

By forgetting the lessons of the past we come full circle, AND make no mistake, this is intentional.

For those who wish to enslave humanity, they must make humanity forget the past. This is the true

intent of critical theory. To separate the past from our children to facilitate the acceptance of their


And the destruction of religion is the first step. Next it is family, then culture and finally history itself.

By destroying religion, the family is easy being both intertwined.

The past 40 years has been a success in this regard. With the help of radical feminism (or radical

lesbianism, same thing) the goal of destroying the authority of past generations, usually Protestant,

white males, has succeeded in distancing younger generations from the wisdom, experience and

mistakes of history.

Now it is American culture by revisionist historians and political correctness that is completing the

task. The goal is to keep good men silent so evil can flourish. The psychic iron cage.

Now I must go back to the essay on cultural marxism. If you haven't read it do so now to

understand why this is happening



How do We get back on track?


I have been checking out a philosophy called Objectivism. It is a philiosophy of rational self interest,

but is atheistic in nature. One of its contentions is that you are only truly human when you achieve

rational thought. Now I'm not deeply spiritual, but taking this premise does that mean mentally

retarded individuals are not human?


I have to admit I am intriqued by Objectivism but I believe the philosophy is too self-centered. Just

as altruism taken too extreme is dangerous (the liberal mind-set) so too is self-interest taken too

extreme a recipe for disaster. In fact, extreme self-interest is also a trait expressed by the left.


Our founding fathers infused rational self-interest WITH Christianity. Objectivists say with wealth

comes charity. This is their reason for the end of the wealfare state. To let charities handle it.

I agree with this premise but it seems to me that a true objectivist can not condone charity


Only the infusion of Christian charity with an Objectivist mind-set brings about a prosperous

America, or any western nation.


Another Objectivist principle is the separation of economics and state. The belief that the government

has only 3 mandates in governance.

1. to provide a police force for local domestic security.

2. to provide for a military to maintain national security.

3. to provide for a court system to resolve civil disputes.


AND THAT"S IT !!!!!!!!


I'm not saying Christian Objectivism is the answer to everything for all people. Perfect examples

are Islamic nations.

Egypt has tried both capitalism and socialism and has found both incompatible with an Islamic

culture. There is no democratic principles in Arabic culture and no wish for any.

Arabic culture today has been formed by thousands of years of surviving a harsh existence.

To get where they have is a testament to their stubborn persistence. While I don't agree with much of

their cultural values, I do respect their code of honor. When I was in Kuwait, the people were very

hospitable if treated with individual respect and respect for Islam.

If not you would be lucky to see your family again. It is simple and straight forward. You either made

allies or enemies. It was up to you.


Arabic people are a very fatalistic group. There are many examples of this but this one is most telling.

When Hafez Assad sent troops into a town that was rebelling and executed EVERY (20,000 citizens)

person in town-- men, women and children-- then bull-dozed the town under the sand, the response

was NOT outrage but resignation that it was the will of Allah.

The belief of Syrian people was that if the rebels were right Allah would have made them victorious.

In a Christian nation, the citizens would never have supported this action.

What it comes down to is that no one system is right for everyone. The very idea of a one world

government is a utopian illusion with no rational thought behind its promotion. Indeed it will never be

feesable. So why is it being promoted?

One look at the major players and you will find a heavy influence of communist ideology. Who is

Kofi Annan?

Communism is really an intellectual (or lazy person with extended schooling, take your pick) tool for

achieving power. To play on the emotions of greed and envy.

To be honest, intellectuals produce very little of physical substance.

The simple fact is they hate to do manual labor. But without the inclination to work and achieve

individual prosperity, they stand upon any old stump and look for followers who will provide their

sustenance. They're not stupid. The only way they can find support is by giving promises to the

ignorant and lazy. The smart one's can see a con job a mile away. But they are forced to stay silent

(here is cultural marxism/political correctness in its full glory) or else be branded a racist or bigot.

Unfortunatly those in the middle vote by hearing the loudest voice.

Once they are propelled to a position of influence they need to widen their base. The larger the base

grows---- and since the premise of their position is to forcibly confiscate the wealth from the hard

working and give it back to their supporters, a position that is inherently unjust, it brings many out

from under their rocks--- the more power is gained by the intellectual and, through heavy taxation, the

wider the base grows.


( This is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. To a tee! Thank GOD they have no official political power.

But we do have Klinton, Maxine Waters, Diane Feinstein, Algore, Chucky Shumer and Fidel Castro.

Well, maybe not Fidel, but it sure seems like it when it comes to the operations of the justice

department. )


It's truly a vicious cycle with ONLY one outcome. A two class system of patricians and plebians.

The intellectuals (read: LAZY) strive for a greatness they can never become because of their fear of

hard work and personal sacrifice. Is this what we see with Bill Klinton striving for a legacy?

The only way they can survive is off the blood and sweat of those they proclaim to serve. Here is the

true parasite, hiding behind a scrap of paper which proclaims their intelligence but gives no guarantee.

This outcome benefits even those wealthy who are not supporters. Cheap labor, a two tiered system

of justice and plenty of man servants and maids. Any wonder the republican elite are silent?

AHHHHH, the good ole days.

The idea of a commoner who can sit in judgement of a Harvard man or an Oxford boy has always

been a thorn in their side.

To anyone who works and has to answer to a recent college grad supervisor, I don't think your

hearing anything new. Only confirming what you have seen.


Democrats and Communists


At a speech before the 2000 Democratic National Convention, the Rev. Jesse Jackson proclaimed;

" this contest is not about race or religion, it's about resource distribution."

What is really meant is income/property re-distribution. This seems, as well, tied to the reparations


It amazes me when I talk to people who support Algore and the democrats, especially white males,

who find no concern in this whole redistribution scheme.

Yes Al, You are a dangerous scheme.

I guess they think that since they are registered democrats they will be immune from any confiscation

of their wealth. Could it be that they (the Utopian illusioned intellectuals, and their supporters) want to

position themselves to be granted their own fiefs?

Their own dachas on Cape Cod or the Hamptons? Their own "Kennedy compounds"?

Redistributing the wealth from OUR blood and sweat into their pockets?

This is not about race, but about the right to life, liberty and property. FOR EVERYONE.

The people of Zimbabwe are now fighting this demon right now, yet no word in the mainstream

press. Why not? Are they afraid to wake a sleeping giant here in America? Are they afraid images of

armed mugabe thugs beating and shooting white farmers while white property is taken (and black

property if they oppose this redistribution scheme against the white population) will cause a wide

spread outcry and alienation of the middleclass towards the democratic party and its communist/

socialist proposals? I think it is likely.

I am not in the least materially wealthy, but I also feel I have the right to earn whatever I work for.

I know I am not alone in this belief. Is the goal of increased non-european descent to bring white

Americans to a level where any wealth they accumulate can be "voted" away by a majority taught

to hate and despise "the oppressors."

And who will benefit by all this? That's right, the mostly white, lazy intellectual elite.

And is this why the concept of a Constitutional Republic (which we are supposed to have) been

replaced by the "noble" term of democracy?

The use of the term democracy in the fifties to differentiate America from Soviet Russia

can be understood, but now I can see why the left clung to it's use as well, and continues to use the

term with such vigor.


Communists and Capitalists


A proposition put forth by the author James Perlof is probably the most fascinating and eye-opening

insight of the mess we Americans are in. As well, it also clarifies many inconsistences of our foreign

policies since Woodrow Wilson and again since FDR.


Why did the United States initially support staunch anti-communists like Ferdinand Marcos in the

Philipines? How about Augusto Pinochet in Chile? How about Jonas Savimbi in Angola and the

Republic of South Africa?

Why did we turn on them????????????????????

The belief put forth by James Perlof is that it is intentional.

Why do large foundations, especially those foundations set up by Carnegie and Ford, why do they

provide grants to leftist professors and leftist universities that advocate collectivist (read: communist)

philosophies when it goes against the very way they made their wealth?

Think about this,

Your a very wealthy businessman. You made your money in a free marketplace WITHOUT

government regulations. It is the 1870's to 1900 and the without government interferance in business

you are not the only fish in the pond. YOU ARE PETRIFIED OF ANY COMPETITION THAT



With all your wealth you pressure, bribe and buy politicians who will promote and pass legislation

that will make it as difficult and, if possible, stifle any new competition that can threaten you.

But, because of a Constitution that limits government involvement in a freemarket, you find it very

difficult to get support among a very independent and suspicious people armed with the power of

the vote and the power to forcibly remove a corrupt government.

So what do you do? Do you have any allies?

Along comes an economic and political philosophy that advocates NO COMPETITION in

politics and economics. A philosophy that advocates a monopolistic control of all forms of wealth,

the banking system, the education of the population, the disarmament of the population, a centrally

controlled police system, a single political party and most importantly, a belief in not individual rights,

but collective rights.

No more hearing that this can't be done because it harms the individual, but this HAS to be done

for the greater good. You can put a face on an individual. Where is the face of the greater good?


So here is your dream come true. With your money you can control legislation. Without competition

you control the marketplace, without competing political philosophies you control government,

with a defenseless population you have no scrutiny.

Who cares who runs the government when you control the government.

Communism is the ultimate monopoly for the ultimate monopolist.


Money is power. If your smart you stay in the background. You need a way to shake the population's

confidence in themselves and a system that provides them with unrivaled freedom and control.

The people will never get rid of a freemarket overnight.

Destroy it completely for a few years! Make them go hungry in a land that can feed everyone.

take their security away from them and blame it on a system that is too free and with not enough

controls. Turn it around so they bow to you, through your bought politicians, instead of you bowing

to them hoping they buy your products to keep you in wealth instead of your competitors.

Stretch the collapse out long enough to weed out your competitors. Oh, you'll take a loss for the

time being, but you have enough reserves to last out the storm.

Once it is over you are the only game in town. Get legislation passed to make it more difficult for

wealth to accumulate among the population. Become concerned with the "little" guy. Safety is a good

start. Products must be made safer. Working conditions must be made safer. Promote the idea that

the wealthy have too much. Make the people pay taxes. Make it graduated to "soak the rich."

Keep it low, say 1% for 90% of the population. This will allay the fears of the sheep.

The more you earn, the more you pay. Stop the wealthy from passing on their wealth through an

inheritance tax.


The only problem with this is; if you all ready have substantial wealth you can keep up with the drain

through exemptions and loopholes built into the legislation.

If your trying to build wealth, on the other hand, you end up taking one step forward and two steps

backwards. The more you earn the more is taken. Any wealth you want to leave to your children is

cut in half. Until after a few generations most of your families original wealth is gone.

And what about the wealthy? Well lets just say who is buying the wealth of families who have to sell

their assets to pay the taxes?






























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