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General Books

Somalia in Word and Image

John Louis Loughram

History in the Horn of Africa

Dr. Mohamed Nuh Ali

Sisters in Afflication

Raqiya Hagi Dualeh

Qaamuuska Af-Soomaaliga

Yassin Hagi Keenadiid

Folktails from Somalia

Ahmed Artan Hanghe

Awdal Phenomenon

Bashir Sh. Omer Goth

The Somali Nation I, II, and III (State and Society)

Dr. Omer Osman Rabeh

Tales of Punt

Abdi Sheikh Abdi

Divine Madness (M.A. Hassan 1856-1920)

Abdi Sheikh Abdi

A Modern Somali/English Dictionary

Abdirahman A. Farah

Garbaduubkii Gumeysiga

Farah Mohamed J. Awl

500 Mahmaahood

Ahmed Yusuf Said

A Historical, Cultural and Political Analysis

Kim Barick/Sture Normark

Hal-Abuur I and II

Journal of Somali Liter.and Culture

Somalia the Destroyed Paradise

Hadi Collection

Somali Report (International Media)

Hadi Collection

Somali News Update (1991 - Today)

Hadi Collection

The Soviet Presence in Somalia

Hadi Collection

Somali Culture, History and Family Structure

Hadi Collection

Xikmooyinka & Maahmaahyada

Abdulkadir Ibrahim

Africa in Crisis (Sept. 9-11, 1994)

UCOP International

The Modern English/Somali Phrase Book

Ahmed F. Ali "Idajaa"

Area Handbook for Somalia (1969)

Irving Kaplan

Diiwaankii Gabayadii Sayidka (Jan. 01, 1974)

Sh. Jama Omer Esse

Xeerkii Soomaalidii Hore (1977)

Ahmed Sh. Ali Ahmed

Ilbaxnimadii Adal & Sooyaalka Soomaaliyeed

Sh. Cabdirahman Sh. Nur

Riwaayadii Shabeel-Naagood

Hassan Sh. Mumin

The Nomadic Boy

J. Girvan, Wardi and Walahad

The Betrayal of the Somalis

Louis Fitzgibbon

Somali Culture, History and Social Institutions

I.M. Lewis

The Cost of Dictatorship (1995)

Jama M. Ghalib

Beautifull Somalia

Somali Ministry of Torisum

Addis Abeba Agreement Jan 8 1993

Somali Political Leaders

Introduction of National Orthography

Ministry of Higher Education

The People of Awdal Yester-Years June 1991

Suleiman Ahmed Walhad

Consequences du Colonialisme Abyssinien

BBC March 8, 1979

Nin Miyi iyo Markab

Cabdullahi Awad "Lugweyne"

Soomaaliyeey Halkeebaad ku socotaa

Dr. Omer Osman Rabbeh

Grammer English/Somali

Abdulkadir Khalif Hashi

Leadership in Eastern Africa

Norman R. Bennet

The Poor Man of God

Robert L. Hess

Qaranjabkii Soomaaliya 1995

Aw Jama Omer Esse

Taariikhdii Daraawiishta Sayidka 1895-1921

Cultures of the World Somalia 1997

Al-Somal 1996

Aw Jama Omer Esse

Susan M. Hassig

Gen. Ali Ismail Mohamed

What ever Happened to Somalia 1994

Soomaaliya Arrimaha Dibedda 1995

Somalia Nation in Search of a State 1987

Needs of Assessment of High Risk Somali Youth

The Somali Peninsula 1962

Islamic in Tropical Africa

Gocosho (Hohey Dalkeenii Miyaa..)

Wagalla-Massakren (Somali N.F.D)

Futuux Al-Xabash (Tuxfat zamaan)1974

A Tree of Poverty (Somali Poetry and Prose)

Leopard Among The Women (Shabeelnaagood)

The Phonetic Structure of Somali

Oral Poetry & Somali Nationalism 1982

The Declension of Somali Nouns 1964

The Somali Poetry

Discussion Papers in the African Humanities

The Warrior Mullah !1892-1920) 1990

Peoples of the Horn of Africa 1969

A Modern History of Somalia 1988

The Prophet Camel Bell 1963

Nationalism & Self Determination in Horn 1983

Somali Literature 1985

Historical Dictionary of Somalia 1975

The Road to ZERO 1992

The Invention of Somalia 1995

Learning from Somalia 1997

The Collapse of the Somali State 1994

Somalia (World Bibliographical series)1988

The Somali People's Quest for Unity 1965

The Evaded Duty 1985

Qaadka & Dhibaatooyinkiisa 1997

Bir.Ma-Geydo (Lama Dilaan) 1997

In The Land of the Living Aug 30,1992

Bitter Crumbs & Sour Milk a Nation Betrayed 1993

Preserving American Security Ties to Somalia 1989

The Soviet Presence in Somalia 1975

35th Annual Conference, African Studies Association 1992

History of Somalia and The Somalis 1985

A Report to the Inter-NGO Committee for Somalia(UK)1991

A Report of the Assessment Mission to Bari,Nugal & Mudug 1991

Horn Reports (Oxfarm Canada) March 26,1993

Horn Reports (Oxfarm Canada) May 26,1993

Ethiopian Plots Over Somalia August 1997

Blackhawk Down ( Somalia Today)

Agency for International Development 1992

More about Ethiopia, Eriteria, and the Somalis (Inside Africa)

Amnesty International Somalia (Human Rights Disaster) 1992

Land of the Living Dead Somalia 1992

Report of S.G of UN Secrurity Council (Situation in Somalia)

Report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Affairs 1992

The Introduction of a National Orthography on the D. S.S 1972

UN SC a Report of the Secretary General 1992

Report of the Secretary General on the Situation in Somalia 1997

Press Statement on Somalia (Nairobi Meeting) 1996

High level Consultation of Somali Political Movements Jan 3rd,1997

The Nation Salvation Council (SNC) of Somalia July 10,1997

Taariikhda Laanta Af-Soomaaliga BBC

A Leaf in the Wind , Travel in Africa(Somalia)1988

Qaamuuska Murtida (Suugaanta Afka Hooyo oo xulan)1997

Mogadishu: A Hell on Earth by M.M.Farah 1993

Women's Voices in a Man's World by Lidwien Kapteijns with Maryan Omar Ali[NEW]

SOMALIA A Nation Driven to Despair by Mohamed Osman Omer NEW]

Bildhaan An international Journal of Somali Studies Volume 1

Dhacdooyinka Maddeganayaasha Geeska Afrika (Somalia) by Abdi Hassan Jimale NEW]

Hadimooyinka Qaadka by Mohamoud Abdi Daud NEW]

AXADIGA QARAN ee KMG ARTA, Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti July 2000

The Boundary Question Between Ethiopia & Somalia By S.Pierre Petrides New Delhi 1983

HEES HAWLEEDDO. Hoobaanta Afka Hooyo by Said Ahmed Warsame NEW]

Black Hawk Down By Mark Bowden 2000

The Scramble in the Horn of Africa By Mohamed Osman Omar

BILDHAAN An International Journal Of Somali Studies Volume 2

The Eyes of the Miaow "Wagalla Massacre 1984

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