--Iridescent Soul--

Angel Blue Devil Red

Mirror Collection 1
Angel Blue - Devil Red
date: ??? Relatively recent. 2003 sometime.
medium: Prismacolor and other markers, pen, soft pastels, Photoshop.

Yes, I skimped on the backgrounds. If anyone would like backgrounds, draw them yourself, because I hate it. HATE it.

Anyways. This is the first pair of the set. Full body shots, meant for website layout. They're in a sort of mostly-demon mode- check out 'Kresh's streaky hair and blue-ish skin. His demon form is more obvious than K'Leven's. Not counting the wings, of course.

You know, I spent months trying to design wings for D'Kreishan, and I finally asked Hikage, and she said "Oh, they're like a dragon's". I could have died.
